Josiah's Decision and Derrick's Journey Begins

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Josiah had seen Rebecca just four days ago, and was still feeling rather fine. He missed her of course, but he still felt quite normal. He was standing on the porch, smoking his pipe, and wiping the sweat from his brow with an old cloth, when he noticed Lizzie fast approaching with a young Negro girl hanging on to her waist for dear life. He hoped she would not be terrified of him. Had Lizzie brought him another present? He felt hopeful and worried at the same time. Could he really afford to take on another woman right now? He already had his hands full taking care of Celia and Izzie.

Josiah came down from the porch, taking a last draw on his pipe before placing it on the railing behind him. He was glad to see Lizzie. But he made himself keep his hands in his pockets, rather than run immediately to embrace her. He felt a mixture of trepidation, and excitement surrounding the girl.

“Hello, Lizzie,” He said, but his eyes were on Mindy.

Lizzie noticed this and felt hurt by it. She pulled the shawl more tightly around her to protect herself from his dismissive attitude. Josiah was one of her best friends, and she wanted his warmth directed at her, not at some stranger he hadn’t even met yet , who simply happened to be female.

Then he was back looking at her, questioning what was going on. He smiled at her, “Lizzie.” It was good to see her, but hard, too. He couldn’t let himself get too interested in her life. He just had to step out of the way, and help her when he could. She belonged to Derrick and had for years. It might not be fair, but that was the way it was. And he had accepted it now.

“Hello, Josiah.” She took a moment to look into his eyes. She could see both warmth and pain there. She hated now to ask what she had come to ask of him. “I just thought I’d ride to see you, Josiah. I brought my slave along to chaperone,” she lied. The flowers by the porch did not look as fresh. She had no idea how he was faring with Celia and Izzie or how the crops were.

“Oh.” He seemed disappointed.

“Actually, Josiah. Derrick has done something terrible, now! Something he promised never to do at Pinehurst--- at least never again! She and four others have been sold to the trader. I thought you might be interested in purchasing her, or one of the other slaves. This is Mindy... And Nathan, a big strong fellow is also up for sale.”

“Well, Lizzie…” This situation was certainly different than he expected. He had just finished paying off Celia. And now there was a trader who would demand cash on the spot. He wasn’t sure if he had it. And if he did, it could cost him months of seeing Rebecca.

“I shouldn’t have come, Josiah. I know you already have responsibilities to take care of.”

He did. But he still wanted to be the hero for her. Still. Even after all he’d done to redeem himself, he couldn’t seem to help taking on more. He wanted and needed to help her.

“Kin she come off the horse for a minute?” He asked. “So I kin take a look at her?”

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