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The laundry in this house never ended.  The number of clothes Jack dirtied by simply existing was mind-boggling.  Add a messy three-year-old and two active teenagers and it was a recipe for laundry hell.  I decided to tackle some more of the kids' stuff, hoping that would get us through the weekend.  I pushed the little kids' door open and grabbed their hamper.  I sorted the whites and darks and started a load of darks. 

Into Joey's room, which was pristine as usual.  She even had a hamper with two pockets so I didn't have to separate them.  I picked up her darks and set them in the hallway, then opened my son's room.

Joey and Elliott were on his bed, his hand up her shirt as they made out.  Immediately they jumped apart, looking like deer in headlights.  Joey's face flushed a shade of red I'd never seen before.  I sighed, putting one hand on my hip.

"Really?  You two?" I asked, looking between them.  Both looked down at their feet, embarrassed.  "Didn't you just hate each other, like, last week?"

"Our feelings have changed," Elliott told me.

"Obviously," I deadpanned and sighed.  "Joey, go to your room.  We'll all talk about this later."

"Don't tell my dad!" she begged me.

"Why not?" I asked her.

"Because it's embarrassing!" she said, incredulous.

"Joey, it's perfectly natural to want to explore...things at your age," I said.  "It's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Well I am!" she said, standing and adjusting her top.  "Please, can we keep this between us?"

"Absolutely not," I told her.  "Go.  Do homework."

Joey quickly scurried away and I heard her door close.  I turned back to my son, who looked mortified.

"I know your father's already had the sex talk with you," I said as I walked to his laundry basket.  "Josephine needs to be off limits."

"Why?" he asked, meeting my eyes.

"Because she's practically your step-sister.  It's not appropriate to have relations with someone living in the same house."

"Says the woman who's screwing her roommate?" he countered.

"Hey!" I raised my voice.  "We are adults and it's a completely different situation."

"How?" he stood, his stance challenging.  "Joey and I aren't related.  How's it any different from me dating any other girl at school?"

"Because you live with her," I reminded him.  "What's gonna happen?  Are you gonna sneak into each other's rooms at night?  You're already at second base apparently."

"We're not gonna have sex, Mom," he said as I dumped out his laundry.  He helped put all the darks back in the basket. 

"Well that's reassuring," I huffed.  I knew how teenage hormones worked.  They'd get caught up in the moment and then everything would be out the window.

"I have condoms, if you're worried," he said as I picked up his basket.

"Elliott, just....stop," I told him, putting my fingers to my temple.  I did not want to think about the fact that my son had condoms in his room.  When had he gotten them and how long had he had them?  Had he used any?

Both teenagers hid in their rooms for the afternoon.  I started dinner while Jack napped.  Alex was still at daycare and Lin would pick her up on the way home.  Around 6:00 they walked through the door laughing.  Lin set her on the floor and she ran to her toys instantly.

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