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No one likes to think about their own mortality.  But, as responsible parents, my husband and I had to think about who would take in our two children, Jack and Alexandra, were we to pass away.

This is not a decision any parent takes lightly, but considering our families are both nuts, it made the decision all the more difficult for us.  My mother had converted to Scientology later in life, which completely freaked me out.  Dad was an alcoholic.  Frank's parents were both dead.  His sister had been in and out of prison and obviously not mother material.

That left friends.

The best friends we had were Lin and Pippa.  Call us old-fashioned, but we'd really prefer to have a two-parent household raising our children.  The problem was that Lin and Pippa weren't together and, in fact, despised each other.  We couldn't think of a better mother or father figure for our two children.

This is to hoping it would never happen, but Frank and I both signed the paperwork one cold January day.

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