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Dad was insane if he thought I was going to live with Elliott Soo.  And what the hell was he thinking - he and Philippa weren't even together.  In fact, I was pretty sure she despised him for some reason.  It didn't make any sense.

I loved Alex and Jack, but if they were going to cause me to move into six-person household, I wasn't up for it.  My parents divorced when I was young so it had always just been me and either parent I was with.  I was the center of attention and I liked it that way.  Call me selfish, but I didn't like the idea of sharing Dad with three other kids.  I liked my world the way it was for the most part.

That Friday, I was babysitting the kids because Dad and Pippa both had plans.  They were at Pippa's for the week, so I had to go over there.  We had a fun evening and they went to bed pretty easily.  I was laying on the couch watching a movie when Elliott came home.  Barf.

He opened up the fridge, shooting me a dirty look.

"Where's my Mountain Dew?" he asked.

"I drank the last one.  Sorry," I told him, though I wasn't really.  He muttered something under his breath.

"Those are mine," he told me shortly.

"I didn't see your name written on them," I countered.

"This isn't your house," he reminded me.  "You shouldn't just be taking stuff without asking."

"Your mom said I could help myself," I countered, picking up the remote.  "Did you hear our parents are thinking about moving in together?"

He spun around.  "No.  What?"

I winced a little.  This would be hard news to hear.  "They're getting overwhelmed with Jack and Alex.  They think it would be easier if they lived together."

"But they're not a couple," he said.

"That's what I said."

"That's a dumb idea," he said, grabbing something else from the fridge.  He disappeared to his room.

Dad arrived home first, thankfully.  It was awkward trying to make small talk with Pippa when it was just us.  He sat with me on the couch and we watched late night TV.  I leaned against his shoulder and eventually fell asleep on him.

I was awoken when he shook me gently to go home.  Pippa had arrived so it was okay to leave the kids.  He hailed us a cab since it was so late.

The next morning, he made pancakes, which was the quickest way to my heart and he knew it.  The smell coaxed me out of bed and I sat at the kitchen island as he served them.

"Good sleep?" he asked.

"Mmmmhmmm," I replied tiredly.

"Good," he said, beginning to clean up the dishes as I ate.  I ate quietly for a few minutes as he washed dishes in front of me.  As he finished, he tossed the towel over his shoulder.

"So..." he began, and I could tell he was up to something.  "Have you thought any more about us shacking up with the Soos?"

"Ughhh," I grumbled.  "Gag me."

"Have you really thought about it?" he asked me.

I sighed.  "Dad...I like things the way they are.  I like Alex and Jack but I don't want to be around them all the time."

Dad leaned back against the counter, his arms crossed.  "Well, the reality is that I'm basically their dad now.  I need to be around them as much as possible."

"But you're not their dad," I pointed out.  "You're my dad."

He nodded and was silent for a moment.  "I'll always be your dad.  But they're my responsibility now too.  We need to think about what's best for them."

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