Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Only after Cassian finally lay still did Ly turn away from him. He still knelt beside Nicator's lifeless body, unable to move and thinking that once again, he had been robbed of his only chance to avenge his brothers murder.

This time his thirst for revenge didn't burn as strongly as it had when he'd found Matthew Scott's body though. Somehow it felt fitting, it felt right, that it should be Tricia that pulled the trigger and ended Cassian's life. For better or for worse, it was over now and, at the very least, this way Tristan would be proud Ly didn't break the promise he had made so long ago.

Slowly Ly came back to himself and that's when it hit him. The pain in his leg and arm flared up and he finally began to realise just how much blood he had lost in his fight with Cassian. He started to feel his cravings rising.

Rome finally tore her eyes away from Cassian's twisted form and they came to rest on Ly. All thought of what had just happened, what she had just seen, left her as she saw him kneeling there. Pushing herself off the wall she had been using for support, she ran across the room and fell to the floor beside him.

“Rome...Rome I...,” Ly chocked out, taking hold of her, griping her like a lifeline. She looked up at him with wide eyes and he closed his so he wouldn't have to see the emotion in her. He could already feel it, feel how concerned she was and how relieved that he was safe. “You've go to get out of have to go before...”

“You're bleeding,” Rome interrupted, her voice holding a calm Ly knew she didn't feel. She was trying to hide her emotions from him, so he would calm down. It was already obvious to her that Ly was craving blood and he was a danger to any human close by. “I know what you want,” she whispered, bringing her mouth close to his ear so the others in the room wouldn't hear her. “I know that you need blood, but you have to hold on. You have to fight it. It's dangerous for you to be here. As soon as we leave I'll find you some blood.”

“I'm trying fight it but I don't know if I...if I can,” the vampire hissed back, trying to keep his voice low while ignoring Rome's warm breath on his ear. “You have to get away from me... before I do something I regret.”

When Ly opened his eyes too look down at her Rome saw the same fear she had seen after the first time he had taken her blood. He was afraid for her, afraid that he would do something to hurt her and trying with everything he had to prevent from doing so.

She only wanted to make sure that he didn't hurt any of the others in the room.

It was a while before Milo was able to tear his eyes away from Cassian's body. There was blood everywhere, covering the wall and soaking into the carpet. The air around them was starting to fill with its metallic scent. So far they hadn't been discovered, but he didn't think their luck would hold out for much longer.

The inspector, thinking quickly, flipped open his mobile phone and called his office. He gave instructions for the officer who answered to send some men up to Taylor's private residence, giving them no more information than that there had been a fight and there were at least two casualties. Then he turned to Tricia. The blond was standing very still, blue eyes fixed on Cassian's lifeless body.

It was certainly true that Milo hadn't known Tricia for very long, but for the entire time they had been together, she'd been calm and collected. Unemotional even though they had been dealing with her fiancée's murderer. He'd come to think of her as someone who could handle anything. It seemed as though he was wrong.

“Miss Anqustias,” Milo said soothingly, placing a hand on Tricia's shoulder. “I strongly suggest you take Mr Aleron and Miss Armida and get out of here. I've just called in some men and I'll deal with this...mess, but I think it would be better if you weren't here. I'll cover this over for you, but you have to leave now.”

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