New points of view

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If chapter 302 doesn't come out in the next 30 sec I'm going to eat too much out of boredom. And I see some good ass chocolate raisins in the kitchen so don't even try me.

The next morning I woke up to the well known shiver going down my spine telling me I was growing. I hurried and exited the makeshift shack before I broke the roof. After I had returned to my size and gotten dressed in giant battle gear which consisted of a strap of fabric on my chest and pair of shorts. I went into the lower levels of the rock to grab ceremonial paints to prepare for the battle. I went to the roof so I would have some sunlight to use as it was just coming up. Using water from the bowl that Mimas had left last night as a mirror I began to paint my face in straight lines the highlighted my cheek bones and nose. As I was moving on to my limbs a sleepy shirtless King floated out of the cave "What are you doing my queen?"

"I'm just getting some ceremonial paint on. I can put some on you if you would like, you may not be a giant but you are competing today."


"Well yes, you have to fight his second to be my second. Don't worry they are all quite weak compared to us. The dress is bare minimum so you should be fine in what your wearing."

"So what does the battle consist of."

"We will competing at the same time.." I offered him the paint "But we will be in separate rings with our opponents. There are no weapons allowed and its usually to the death. It is considered honorable to die in battle, but the rules say to submission."

"That's barbaric, I'm so sorry Diane. A child being raised in this culture? It must have been traumatizing."

"But you raised me harlequin!"

He winked at me then asked "So am I doing this paint thing right?"

~Time skip~

The giants had gathered outside a couple klicks from the rock at field where the battle was to take place. I now faced Jotun as we prepared to fight, King was facing Jotuns second in command his brother Bill (I had to give one regular name haha). The pair had a practically identical build, King had to put Chastieful in the care of Mimas and Geryon as there was no weapons allowed. King would have to use his magical power Disaster to win due to his lack of strength. The announcer stood of to the side and began to shout "This battle for power over the giant race begins... NOW!"

I forgot how anti climatic my clan was, Jotun ran at me to attack right off the bat, I simply moved and continued to dodge his slow attacks. As I dodged I did Dolars dance to raise my power level, I heard the spectators gasp as the sensed my power level rising and witnessed the legendary Dolars dance which until now no one had ever been able to use successfully. When I had only arrived at half my highest level I stopped and easily disabled my attacker by grabbing his arm breaking it then kicking him in the ribs. He laid on the ground groaning in pain "You a-are truly ah worthy to b-be giant q-queen."

I looked over at how Kings battle was doing but he had already knocked the giant out by taking large amount of water and bashing it into his head. (A larger version of condense power.) He had read my heart and saw that I didn't want anyone to die. The chants of the giants wanted otherwise "Kill, kill, kill!"

Reverberated through my bones, I held my hand up demanding silence. When all had quieted down I shouted my first sentence as queen "Living only to die in battle is a cowards way of living."

Objections were mumbled throughout the crowd when someone yelled out "But King Drole said to die in battle is a honorary death."

I smirked "Well he was wrong! Drole himself tested me and determined me to be worthy because I thought this way. The giant race is dying, too many young giants go into battle hoping to die a glorious death. But with this mind set they are killing off the giant race, and choosing that dying gloriously is better then living gloriously. From this moment on I declare that being a warrior is not mandatory, giants can be more then bloodthirsty brutes. We will be craftsmen, bakers, even dancers." I smiled at a young girl who was looking at me in awe.

An older giant stepped forward "Why didn't Drole come with you."

I lowered my eyes "Drole died protecting my friends I from a demon."

Gasps came from the crowd as they all mourned for the first and only giant King.

The old giant shouted angrily "I will accept you as queen but I do not believe that Drole would ever accept a fairy as our king, he wouldn't have even talked to fairies."

King's voice answered for me "Actually he died with his best friend First Fairy King Gloxinia. I understand that their are major cultural differences in our clans but Diane and I are planning to merge our two clans and live together peacefully."

The crowd talked amongst themselves and began to move, separating themselves. King floated over to me and asked me "What are they doing?"

I leaned over "They are voting on whether or not they are going to fight against the decision or to go along with it, whichever group is larger is the decision they will go with."

After about ten more minutes the movement stopped. There was a group to our left and right side, the right being larger they sent out a representative the same old man as before. Clearing his throat he announced the clans fate "We have decided to agree with this new way of living, but there are things we wish to negotiate."

The group on the left side grumbled, there was only ten or so which was not enough people to battle so a young man declared. "We will leave and start our own clan, we will not follow a coward and her fairy bitch!"

He then spit and left with the group, I nodded towards the old man "Lets go to the great hall and discuss this."

Thanks for reading my OTP Fan fic!

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