Valentines day part 2

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i just want to ask, what is kings new human form, is he still fat or what.

We decided we would alternate between activities since we both already made plans. Since it was my turn first I chose what was first on my list, a simple walk through the forest beside the Boar hat. Arm in arm we kept a slow pace making our way to the forest talking about useless little things like what flowers we walked by or stories from our childhood. Sometimes we were just quiet looking at each other. We passed a large opening in the crowded forest where long grass swayed in the wind and small boulders or trees spotted the field. Both of us stopped to admire the view, I pulled my arm from his grasp and started running in the grass shouting "If you catch me I'll do anything you wish!" replaying one of the memories that I had recently got back. I looked back but he was already gone, stopping I scanned the sky for his silhouette but from the corner of my eye I saw movement in the grass beside me. King launched himself from where he was lying, I made a move to dodge but his foot got caught in a root and he came down as quickly as he got up. I leaned over his groaning figure "Guess the ground isn't your forte" I giggled

He just kept staring at me, slowly redness crept across his face. As I examined him further and saw how well his features blended into everything, his eyes matched the freesia the mingled with other flowers. If I stared long enough he might have melted into nature herself. It felt like time stopped when a huge bug flew past my face, squealing I ran away in disgust."Its OK Diane, I'll protect you!"

King proclaimed as he flew after me. Getting in a defensive stance stance in front of me "I'm OK Harlequin, it was just a bug." I blushed from embarrassment "We should move on to the next activity, it is your turn you know."

"R-right lets go!"

Kings plan so far did not make a lot of sense, we had been roaming through a dark and unfamiliar part of Lionas. Some shady characters roamed in these parts rumor said so I pressed a little closer to king he grabbed on to me "I'm sorry I know it's around here somewhere... here we are!"

'Here' was an old building that looked like it was going to collapse. We walked into the building skeptically and entered a very dark a dusty room "I don't *cough* like this" I whimpered when a slouched figure came around the corner "HULLOOOO"

I grabbed king with a death grip and we screamed together "My name i- can you shut up for a minute- My name is Arabella, are you the couple I'm teaching today?"

Blushing violently king replied " Y-Yes sorry you shocked us"

Still rattled I leaned in and whispered in kings ear "What is she teaching us?" please be not how to skin someone alive.

"I am teaching you how to dance!" Arabella chimed. (kind of creepy how she heard me)

A lock of hair fell into the fairy kings face "More me then you... your an amazing dancer, but I entered us in a contest later so I figured we could learn a couple steps together"

I squealed in delight, I had asked him to do this a couple months ago! I have always wanted to compete and was always asking King but he always brushed it off. Clearly beginning to lose patience the hag shoved a hand into Kings face, sighing he dropped two gold coins into her dry wrinkly hands, she turned swiftly and walked down a the dark hall behind her, hesitantly we followed. She opened a heavy oak door to reveal a beautiful dance studio. "You can't trust everything you see" the hag said in a cool mysterious voice, where the hell did King find this place. A loud clap followed by Arabella shouting "Well lets get to it" making king and I jump and run to the center of the room.

Dancing with a partner is hard. You have to focus on too many things, the music, your feet, their feet it was a lot to take in but a couple toe throbbing hours later our very annoyed instructor deemed us worthy enough to go off on our own. She pushed us out the door and as a form of farewell stated "Your perfect! I have taught you all I can teach, you don't have to come back!"

The next chapter of our story king x dianeWhere stories live. Discover now