Awkward Mornings

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I was thrown into reality when strong hands gently shook my shoulder slowly my eyes opened to a messy haired version of the majesty I just dreamed about he gave me a heart stopping smile and whispered "We need to wake up Diane"

in a deep drowsy voice which made me blush and shove my head into his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around me leaving a trail of gooseflesh under his old sweater that was currently covering my body "Whyyy?" I groaned into him.

A laugh rumbled in his chest as he replied "We still have some messes to clean up, my lady"

after a long moment I rolled off Chastieful and hissed as my warm feet felt the bite of the cold floor. After the soft rustling of sheets I felt the Fairy kings presence behind me, whirling to face him I lost my balance from moving too fast too soon after waking up. A hand grasped my elbow firmly to stabilize currently small body, "Thanks"I giggled looking into the kind, familiar eyes of the fairy I loved. Blushing he kissed me on the forehead (a lot easier now I was only an inch taller) "Lets eat before I get so hungry I eat hawk"

giggling hand in hand we walked down to the main floor of the Boar Hat where a skinny version of the lion sin of pride Esconar was attempting to wake up the hungover Deadly Sins. The first one to fully wake up was surprisingly Ban as he caught sight of the Fairy Giant couple holding hands with very limited clothing on "I knew that's why you two disappeared so early last night" he yelled with a suggestive wink successfully waking up the rest of the sins. Blushing violently King stuttered "Y-You can shove it Ban" as I hid my own blush with my pigtails relizing we were in fact still in our sleep wear which consisted of only Kings old sweater and for him all he had on was a pair of short pants. Bashfully I let go of the tight grip on his hand and swiftly run up the stairs whilst yelling back at Bans fading chortling "You're so mean Ban!" but the laughing only grew louder as king followed to change clothes as well.

Again feel free to comment ideas and suggestions in the comments and thank you for reading the next chapter of my Kiane Fanfic!

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