chapter 31- Cafterias and apologies

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kenzie's p.o.v

The next few days at school I kept my distance from Jacob.
Our friend group, that consisted of Johnny, Hayden, Carson and the girls, all gave him the cold shoulder.

I heard that he and Lily Chee were just a one night stand and she was too drunk to even remember what happened.

"But what did I tell you kenz? that boy was bad news from the start. It's his loss, he's stupid enough to lose such an amazing girl." Ruby ranted for the hundredth time that day.

It was lunch break and we were all making our way to the cafeteria.

I could say with full certainty that I was completely over Jacob (not that I was totally 'under' him anyways).
After everything that happened yesterday, that involved us girls getting drunk off our minds, I felt like a completely different person.

Not that I remember much from that night. It's kind of fuzzy for all of us. I know we made a fool of ourselves infront of Darian (thankfully she promised to not snitch on us and was highly amused), but I'm really hoping I didn't make a fool of myself infront if Johnny. I don't remember him being anywhere around though..

Speaking of Johnny I haven't seen him since the morning he slept over. I should probably get used to not being around him much since Nadia is coming back tomorrow anyway.

We walked over to our table, ignoring the looks everyone was giving me. The whole school had heard about Jacob's 'scandal'.

In the morning a few girls came to me and asked me how it felt to not be good enough for one of the hottest guys in school, causing Brynn to try and tug their hair extensions off. It ended pretty badly and at the moment Brynn was sitting in the principal's office explaining herself.

I also heard the girls from the cheer team saying a lot of hurtful things like,

"Ew of course he cheated on her, she's such an irrelevant pig."

"What did she expect? She was obviously not good enough for him."

"Did she actually think he really wanted her anyways? I mean she's really not that pretty."

Some people were nice. Lexi Jayde came up to me and hugged me and told me I deserved better. Emily Skinner told everyone who was hooting at me when I passed to shut up, but it was still not enough to overshadow the taunts and snickers every time I passed a group of people.

I sat down lumpily, picking at my food. I had no appetite.
The fact that Jacob cheated on me was so humiliating.
The entire school treated him like he was God. Girls chased after him and boys wanted to be friends with him, so barely anyone considered what he did wrong.

I don't know what I was thinking cause I knew his reputation as a playboy and I still went for him anyway. Now the whole school is talking trash about me.

"Hey." I heard John's voice, as he slipped in next to me.
"Hi." I mumbled, not looking up.
I knew he would be able to see every thought that was floating through my mind, by simply looking at me.
"What's wrong?" He said, and I could tell he was frowning.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I looked up
giving him a watery smile.

He sighed,"Kenzie I've known you all your life. That smile doesn't fool me so just tell me what's wrong?"
I shrugged,"Nothing much. My boyfriend cheated on me and now the entire cheer team is calling me an irrelevant pig. I can't even walk into class without people staring at me. Fun." I said sarcastically, but there was a trace of hurt in my voice that I couldn't hide.

Johnny's face fell.
He stood up immediately and cleared his throat loudly,"Everyone listen up!"

My mouth dropped, as every single person from every single table looked up at him in awe. He had that affect on people.

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