chapter 4-Spaggheti and Meatballs With The Orlando's Secret Recipe

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kenzie's p.o.v

The next day I woke up drowsy.

We got back from the party late last night and Johnny was drunk so I had to drive.He wasn't really with us during the party.

I checked the time to see it was 7:00 and I groaned remembering I had school today. I got up, making  sure to look through Johnny's window and I saw his bed empty. He had woken up already.

I grabbed some clothes, brushed  my teeth, had a shower and then changed.
Suddenly my phone buzzed and I checked to see a text from Lauren,

Lauren- can Maddie take us to school?

kenz🥰- sure what about John ?

Lauren- he had team tryouts in the morning so he left already

Oh no!
I completely forgot to wish him good luck for it. He had been practising really hard for the past few weeks.

kenz🥰- maddie'll drop us

Lauren- I'm coming in 5

I grabbed my bag and went to Maddie's room.
"Mads can you drop me and Lauren off to school?" I asked through the tiny crack of her door that was open.
"Sure thing." She replied.
"Thanks." I said and went downstairs.
A few minutes later Lauren showed up and we left for school.


"Bye! Have a good day you guys." Maddie yelled.
I waved goodbye to her and Lauren and I walked into school.

"So last night was pretty fun wasn't it?" Lauren striked up.
"Well..yeah it was pretty fun I guess." I shrug.
"I told you so." She said smugly.

"What was going on with you and Ja-"

she was cut off when a girl near us squealed to her friend,"but seriously can you believe that new girl Nadia Turner was making out with Johnny Orlando? She's so lucky!"

I froze.
Lauren widened her eyes and tapped that girl on the back,"Um..who told you that?"

"I heard Devenity Perkins and Nadia Turner talking about it." She replied sheepishly.

Lauren turned to me as we walked forwards,"I don't understand how this happened. Do you think it's true?" She frowned.

I shrug as if it's not a big deal.

But I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that it is.


"I hate school." I mumbled  to myself, shutting my locker. It was the period before lunch and I was just going to go to the cafeteria.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. It too easy for me to guess.

"Haha very funny John." I said sarcastically and he moved his hands away with a huff.
I turned around to face him,"How were tryouts?"
He gave me a smile,"Really good I think. hopefully Coach will put me on the team. You should have seen Rowland play though. I'm guessing he's still suffering from a really bad hangover."
I nod absentmindedly, pretending to pay attention.

My mind was somewhere else.
I've been itching to know what he was up to last night and whether what I had heard was true.

"Where were you last night? At the party I mean." I said attempting to make it sound casual.
"nowhere in particular." He said with a little cough.

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