chapter 2- New girls and "Undying love"

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kenzie's p.o.v

The next day I woke up to my alarm clock.  I painfully got out of bed and went into the bathroom to have a bath, get ready and brush my teeth. then after much debating I chose an outfit.  A simple red tank top with jeans and a denim jacket.

For the first time ever my hair wasn't in a mess, so I left it like that, slipping on my converse. I looked through my window at Johnny's to see his blinds drawn. I groaned.
he was probably still sleeping and I'd get late for school.

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. My mom was busy making breakfast and Maddie wasn't there so I guessed she left for college early.

"Morning." I grabbed my box of cheerios and sat down at the table.
"Morning honey, do you want some eggs?" My mom asked.
I shook my head saying 'no'.

I was just going to pour some milk into my bowl when I heard the bell ring.
"John's here." I mumbled ditching the cereal and grabbing my bag.
"Bye! have a good day." My mom waved and I went towards the door after waving bye.

I opened the door to see Johnny leaning against the wall with his bag slung across his shoulder.
His hair was scruffy in the way that I liked.
"Morning." He drawled.
I shut the door behind me walking up to him,"Morning. let's go." I yawned.

He chuckled as he walked behind me towards his black Audi that was parked outside my front yard.

He opened the passengers seat for me and I hopped in. Then he shut the door getting in from the other side.

I grabbed his phone, connecting it to the Bluetooth in his car and playing some music.
I loved how Johnny's car smelled infinitely like him. Some spicy cologne and scented body gel he used.

The car started with a purr and Johnny reversed it out of my yard.

"I'm so proud of you kenz. you have an insane amount of views on your latest cover." Johnny looked over at me.

I smiled, my stomach feeling fuzzy at the thought.

"I know! I can't believe it."
I breathed.

"Don't forget about me when you become rich and famous."
He grinned.

"Never! I can never forget you bestie." I joked, putting my arm around his shoulder.
He batted me off.

We reached school and he parked in his usual parking spot.
We got out and then headed into school. I tried to ignore the way girls huddled up near their lockers, whispering to themselves excitedly when they saw him pass.Or the flirty smiles they would give him and he would give back. I was used to it by now but it's still got a bit annoying.
Especially when he gave them a response.

I immediately saw all my other friends near my locker.
"See you in class John." I waved, moving towards them.

He gave me a discreet thumbs up before walking the other way to his locker.
"Hey girls." I said brightly, walking over to my friends.

"Hey Kenzie." They all chirped in unison.

There's Ruby, my insanely quirky friend. She has an adorable personality but can be extremely stubborn when she wants to be.
If anyone can make you laugh it's her.

Then there's Annie Leblanc.
She has big brown doe eyes and the sweetest smile. She's also really intelligent and without a doubt gives the best advice. Also she's a bit of a neat freak but that's one of the million things I love about her. She's like the mom of our friend group and takes pride in the fact.

Then there's Brynn who is practically my other half. My third favourite person after Johnny and Lauren. Brynn and I have known each other since pre-school.
She's a funny sort of girl and is always somewhere or the other. Like a street cat. Her mom is extremely strict with her and Brynn is always ready to rebel.
Sometimes I think if we met now we probably wouldn't be friends.
Us girls had known her long enough to bear with her and her thirst for living life on the edge. And by that,  I mean hooking up with guys she barely knows and attending atleast 5 parties a week.
Sometimes she knocks on my window in the middle of the night when she comes back from parties so she can pretend that she stayed over at mine if her  mom asks.
She's crazy but also fiercely loyal and fun. I wouldn't change her for the world.

And then of course there's Lolo. she's practically family. There's nothing we wouldn't do for each other. She's like a sister to me.

"I was just telling the girls about my sister Nadia who's joining school today. She's right there." Ruby pointed towards a girl with strawberry blonde hair and cute freckles standing next to Devenity Perkins. There were three words to describe Devenity. Snooty, judgemental and dumb. She was the  typical "I think I'm better than everyone else" kind of girl.

"Oh that's nice." I said smiling, hoping the new girl was like her sister—friendly and good humoured.

"the guys are coming this way." Bryan let out a low whistle.

The guys are Johnny, Hayden, Carson, Mark and Jacob.
I hate to acknowledge it too much but in a way of saying, it is true, they are extremely popular.
the girls and I were normally just in their shadow. We are seen with them but we never try to get into the spotlight. Being Johnny Orlando's best friend, for me meant the occasional stares and whispers as I walk down the corridor with him. High school is lame that way.
You're popular by association.

"is it just me or has hayden's hair become curlier? god he's so cute." Annie let out a groan.

She's had the biggest, most painful crush on Hayden Summerall for three summers now.

Unfortunately for her, I don't know if Hayden actually reciprocates those feelings. He was second to the title of the school's golden boy after Johnny and there was always some girl or the other on his lap.

"kenz, you're next. what feature of Johnny's makes you swoon?" Ruby wiggled her eyebrows in a way that made us all laugh.

"pftt he doesn't make me swoon."
I coughed.

"Oh please. You've already confessed your undying love for him, no point hiding it." She teased.

"Undying love for who?" I heard Johnny's voice boomed from behind me. I squeezed my eyes shut as the girls stifled laughs.

At that very moment the bell rang.

"Let's get to class." I said.

In geography class, John and I took our seats behind Lauren and Brynn.

"Good morning class, we have a new student today so please be nice and make her feel welcome." Mrs Martens said and from behind her I could see Ruby's sister standing near the door. For a new girl, she didn't look shy or nervous at all. She actually looked kind of haughty and her nose was turned up in a snobbish sort of way.

"I'm Nadia Turner." She introduced herself.
"That's Ruby's sister." I muttered to Johnny. He nodded vaguely, playing with his pencil and looking disinterested.


School was finally over and I was walking back with the girls.
We were all going over to Ruby's house.

"straight to my room
guys." She opened the front door and we followed behind her.
Just as we were walking up the stairs we bumped into her sister Nadia.

"Hi, I'm kenzie. You're in my Geography class right?" I said
trying to be friendly.
She grunted and walked off.

Annie and I exchanged glances.

"Don't take much notice of her. she didn't want to come to Milwood and is sulking." Ruby said shaking her head as we all followed her to her bedroom.
Ruby's room was a little too pink but also totally tumblr worthy. She had framed quotes and fairy lights all over her walls.

"What do you mean?" Brynn asked curiously as she hopped down on her bed.

"She was in Paris for a bit with my Aunt Maya. She didn't wanna come back so this is the result of that." Ruby replied shrugging.

Thanks for reading and vote and comment pls!💕

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