chapter 12- Good Night Hugs

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kenzie's p.o.v

"Goodnight." Jacob whispered, leaning closer to me.
"Night." I say hurriedly and scrambled out of the car leaving him confused.

I ran up to my house and from the corner of my eye I could see him watching me. I opened the latch of the door and quickly got in.

"Woah someone wanted to get away quickly." Maddie snickered.
She was standing next to the microwave heating up a plate of kraft mac and cheese.

"What? No, I was just trying to make sure I make it home in time." I mutter flustered but she showed me her phone with a smirk on her face,"there was no need to rush. It's still eight fifty three. You could've had an extra seven minutes on the porch." Her voice was cocky and it irritated me further.

"Shut up." I snapped, making my way to my room.

I decided against calling Ruby and telling her because she'd probably just make some snarky comment and say,"I told you so!" and I figured I'd rather talk to Lauren about it.

I went to my window and saw Johnny's open but he wasn't in his room. I debated for a second before I quickly crossed over and hopped into his room. just when I was moving to open his room door to go to the corridor it opened and to my horror I saw Nadia standing there.
No Johnny just Nadia.

"What are you doing here?" She scrunched her nose up in disgust.

Suddenly from behind her Johnny appeared. You would think he would be surprised to see me. Maybe even a little confused, but no, he had a blank poker face.

"Hey. I called. Where were you?" He asked bluntly.

"Oh um..I was with..." from the corner of my eye, I saw Lauren going into her room.

"I'll see you later I need to talk to Lauren." I said pushing past him and Nadia. I felt Johnny exhale irritatedly but I could deal with him later.

I swing Lauren's room door open and walk in to see her lying on her stomach on her bed.
"Oh hey Kenz." Lauren's eyebrows raised but she looked pleased all the same.

Now that I knew I was  in the safety of my best friends bedroom, I moved  towards her bed, sitting down next to her, ready to tell her everything.

"I just had the most eventful day ever." I exclaim.



"Oh my." Lauren said, her eyes big and wide after I finished.
"I know I don't know why I kissed back." I groaned, putting my face into my hands.

"It's understandable kenz it was your first kiss. But woah I  can't believe it was with Jacob Brown. Woah." She said in awe.

"Yeah well what do I do?" I flung my arms out hysterically, looking at her.

"Do you like him?" She asked with a calculative expression on her face. I hesitate before replying,"I..I don't know."

She looked unsure of what to say and finally sighed,"Well we'll just have to see what to do tomorrow.We'll tell the girls. Besides Annie is better at giving advice than I am."
I nod my head.
I guess one night will probably clear my mind as well and I'll be able to deal with the situation better.

"But Kenzie.." She mumbles.
"Yeah?" I reply, looking directly at her.
"If you still have feelings for Johnny then-"

At that moment the door opened and Johnny appeared.
"Mom's asking if you wanna stay for dinner." He wasn't making eye contact with me, standing and texting on his phone.

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