chapter 6- Nadia Turner

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kenzie's p.o.v

The next day I woke up in a surprisingly good mood.

I was even patient enough to straighten my hair for school.
I changed into a purple halter too with jean shorts and my purple converse high tops.

I was going to wait for Johnny and Lauren to take me but Maddie was home and was willing to drive me to school.

Besides, I needed to mentally prepare myself before I saw Johnny. I know it sounds ridiculous, since he's been my best friend for ages but now it feels like there could actually be something more between us. if he liked me, then I was so ready to dive into it without hesitation.


"Bye Mads." I said getting out of the car. She waved goodbye and then drove off.

I walked up to my locker where I saw Annie, Lauren, Ruby and Brynn talking to each other in hushed whispers.

"Hey guys." I greeted them and Lauren- who was speaking, jumped.

"Oh..uh hi." They all said hurriedly with the same concerned look on their faces.

I raised my eyebrows,"What's wrong girls?" 
"Homework!" Lauren exclaimed at the same time Annie uttered,"School project!"
followed by Ruby dramatically "Jack Dawson in The Titanic died!"

Brynn rolled her eyes.

I blinked,"um..what?"

"Lolo we should tell kenzie." Annie muttered, fiddling with her fingers.

"Tell me what?" I said confused.

Lauren shook her head,"we should wait for her to hear it from him."
"But that'll just make her more upset." Brynn argued.

I hate that feeling when people talk about you when you're standing right there!

"GUYS! CAN YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON??!" I waved my hands, exasperatedly.

They all share worried looks.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I tuned to see the boys and Johnny.
But there was something wrong.

He had his arm wrapped around Nadia Turner.
Ruby's sister.
the new girl.

I turned to the girls,my eyes begging for an explanation and they looked at me with a mixture of helplessness and pity.

"Hey Kenz." Johnny greeted me.
I turned back to him,"" I indicated to his arm wrapped around Nadia.

His cheeks tinged slightly, and he pressed his face temple against hers embarrassedly. The sweet gesture made Nadia smile, and my veins blister with a poisonous jealousy.

No this wasn't right.

"She's my girlfriend. We um, met at the party. She was the one I was telling you about. The girl I really liked." His eyes were big, as if begging me to like her to.
To be happy for him.

And in the moment my heart sank.

Brynn's theory was wrong.
Johnny never liked me
of course not!

He likes Nadia.
I feel so stupid right now.

I gulped,"thats great I-"

"Kenz why don't you come with me to class." Brynn interrupted.

"We'll be too early. it's only 7:35 and class starts at 8." I said, my eyes focused on Johnny and Nadia's interlaced hands.

Is it's just me or does he look genuinely happy with her?
That's not possible, I mean this is Johnny. Johnny's never serious about girls.

"Kenz, I really think you should though." Brynn repeated and I shook my head again.

Suddenly I felt a sharp jab.
"Brynn!" I groan.
She shot me a look indicating that she wanted to talk.

"Fine I'm coming." I muttered following her.

"See you in class Kenz." Johnny said eagerly and I gave him a sharp nod.

"Are you okay?" Brynn asks grabbing my shoulders once we were a bit farther away from them.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"I said walking fast and Brynn tried to keep pace with me.
she raised her eyebrows, pulling my elbow and making me come to a stop.

I looked down at my shoes.
"I have to be okay with it." I gulped.
"You don't have to be anything kenz." Brynn said sharply.

I continued to look down so she shook me, making me look up.

"Kenz look I'm really sorry. This is my fault. I was the one who got your hopes up." She said with a sigh.

I shook my head.
"I..I just didn't expect know..him liking Nadia." I say truthfully and she nodded understandingly.

"He's never even serious about anyone, I don't know how this happened!" I groaned, fisting my hair.

Brynn shushed me.
"Listen kenz, Johnny's the type of guy who's really fickle when it comes to girls. I really doubt this is going to last anyways." Brynn said convincingly.

"I know him Brynn. And I can tell you that is not the case this time. You should've heard the way he spoke about her." I moaned.

Brynn pulled me towards her giving me a hug.
"It's going to be fine. You'll be fine."

Hmm somehow I always am aren't I?


Even though I keep getting looks from the girls the whole day I tried to avoid the whole "Johnny and Nadia" conversation and spent the day with a smile.

Johnny's my best friend and the most important thing is for me to be happy for him.

Brynn's whole theory was ridiculous anyway and I convinced myself to believe I was better off like this. Johnny reciprocating my feelings wouldn't end well, leaving one of us hurt.

If I wanted him in my life, in a position where he'd never leave, being his best friend was the ideal position I would cherish.

We hadn't really got the chance to hang out much today so I couldn't tell him that I was happy for him but I wanted him to know I was.

I wanted him to know I was happy for him, even though I didn't know myself whether I really was.

thank u guys for reading.
love u


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