4th Imagine.....

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You are peacefully asleep until Ray Ray calls you....

Ray- Y/N? Wake up

You- *mummbles* Why do you want?

Ray- You to wake up, I wanna go out

You- After I finish my dream *turns over*

Ray- No dream can be that good where you wanna dream it over

You- Shut up

Ray- I know what you dreaming about....

You- What?

Ray- *Stevie J smile*

You- Ewwww and leave me alone!

Ray- Tell me what your draming about and I'll shut up


Ray- Please

You- No.

Ray- Please


Ray- Please

You- Roc Royal..

Ray- Pl- what you say?

You- *sits up* I was only playing


You- I'm telling the truth......


You- I only wanted to shut you up, I was playing


You- You wanna taco!? *smiles nervous like*

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