3.6 Criminal

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Lia's POV

When we all woke up in the morning we were exhausted which isn't unusual considering we were up very very late last night just watching tv.

I was the last one awake like I usually am and I saw Jc arguing with Jack whether to make pancakes or bacon.

"Come on, pancakes are like edible clouds! Who doesn't want an edible cloud?!" Jc argued. "But bacon is literally heaven in your mouth." Jack argued back.

"Just make both!" Jenn whined at them.

"Well good morning." I wiped my eyes as I entered the kitchen. "Hey Lia, help us decide. Jc and I want pancakes. Jack and Brittney want bacon and Jenn wants, well, both." Jeffery told me.

"Well, I'd have to go with... both." I laughed and Jc gave me a famous death stare of his.

I headed upstairs to get changed and once I was in my crop top and skinny jeans I went back downstairs only to hear the door bell ring.

"Lia, can you get that!" Brittney yelled and I was hesitant.

I am super shy but it's not like the person behind the door will shoot me or kidnap me or something stupid like that. I'm just overreacting like usual.

I opened up the door and saw a blonde haired girl I have never seen before standing in a sassy position. She does not look nice.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Oh honey, you can't even help yourself at this point." She smirked.

Before I could get out a sound, she pued a gun from her back pocket and pulled the trigger.

That's all I remember before blacking out.

Jc's POV

"Lia?!" I can hear Jeffery yell from the kitchen after te loud bang.

I was upstairs getting changed when it happened.

I ran down the stairs in only my jeans to see Jeffery kneeling next to Lia's body surrounded by dark red liquid.


"Lia!" I screamed and ran next to her. I felt her pulse.

Still there.

I picked her up and asked Jeffery, "Can you drive?" He nodded quickly and I ran out to his car and put Lia in the backseat.

I saw Jenn racing after Jeffery and I got in the back with Lia while Jeffery drove and Jenn rode shotgun.

"What happened?!" I questioned them while Jeffery got onto the road.

"I have no idea, I was helping Jack make breakfast when I heard a bang. When I got to the door, nobody was there but it looks like someone shot her." He said.

No duh!

"Who would want to shoot her." A year escaped my eye.

"I think I know." Jenn looked at Jeffery in the front. What? Who would possibly want to shoot Lia?

"You don't think-" Jeffery started. "Think what?! Who would do this?!" I exclaimed as more tears escaped my eyes and hit Lia's forehead.

"We need to tell you a story Jc," Jenn said. "About two people named Quentin and Serena."


Once we got to the hospital about five minutes later, I was absolutely shocked.

These people stalked Jack and Jenn and threatened Jeffery and Brittney in the making. And killed an old lady. And two innocent teenage girls.

The parking lot for the hospital was basically empty so Jeffery parked really quickly before stopping the car and we all got out.

I picked up Lia and rushed her inside.

A nurse immediately put her in a wheelchair and I explained to her what was wrong. She told me how it's not everyday someone is randomly shot without there being a reason.

Lia didn't have a reason to be shot.

She is an innocent young girl who has no reason not to be loved by everyone who has ever met her once in their life.

The only thing I want is for her to live.

Jenn's POV

After everything that happened with Lia we told Jc we would be at the house if he wanted to come by later.

We had to get out of there.

The only thing we needed to hear is that Lia wa going to be fine. And she is going to be. Which is good.

The only thing that blows my mind to the maximum is why Serena would want to do this.

Lia is such an innocent girl and she doesn't deserve to be shot or hurt in any way possible.

And how did Serena even get out of jail? Does that mean Quentin escaped too?

I don't even care.

All I care about is getting out of this place.


I can't spend much longer in here without going absolutely insane.

"What happened?" Brittney questioned me as soon as Jeffery and I walked through the door.

"Serena was shot. And I know who shot her." I said.

"Who?!" Jack said when he got into the conversation.

"A true criminal," I said. "Serena and Quentin."

Brittney and Jack's jaws both stopped open at the sound of the names.

"I know. I don't know how they could have possibly escaped but they have. We need to find out where they are, get them arrested again, and get the hell out of the Hamptons." Jeffery explained.

"Agreed. Where do you think Serena or Quentin could be?" Jack asked.

"Well, they should be somewhere close. Possibly the flat they were living at? I don't know but we should look for them tonight. Jc is pretty torn up and I don't want him to think whoever did this got away with it." I told them.

"Jenn and I will look for them tonight. You guys have been through too much with them, especially you Brittney. We will find them, you guys stay back and relax." Jack said.

"Agreed." I said.

"Fine, but please be safe." Brittney hugged Jack.

I hate Serena and Quentin.


All they are is cold hearted criminals.

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