Chapter 13: Halloween!

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Julia's POV:

“Because the Periculosi Amaranthi has reached Hogwarts.”

“What,” I ask Selena in surprise, “How do you know?”

“I'll show you.” she says and takes my hand.

Suddenly by the door I can see a small vine curling around the frame. It hasn't gotten far, but it will soon.

“Do you think I'll get sick?” I ask her.

“No,” she says, “I did some tests using a strand of your hair and you seem to be immune to it like Muggle born students because, since you didn't grow up around magic, you wouldn't have the protection around your organs.”

“But Rose and my other friends, they'll all get sick, won't they?” I ask her.

“I'm afraid so.” she says sadly.

“We need help.” I tell her, “But being who we are, we’ll need help. Since, an 11 year old girl and a ghost can't exactly defeat a deadly vine that is threatening a whole castle, by themselves. I know exactly who can help us.” I tell her.

“Who?” she asks me.


We write a letter to Hermione and send it, but unfortunately Rose told me that Hermione is out of the country on a trip with Harry, Ginny, Ron, my parents and Jake, so we will probably not here back from her until they get back which is in two weeks.

Halloween is approaching and although I am very worried about the impending doom of the Periculosi Amaranthi, I can't help but be excited. Rose and my other friends seem to notice that I am not completely excited for Halloween and try to cheer me up in the few days before Halloween. For their sakes, I try to be happy and when Halloween arrives and I wipe my mind clear of the problem and focus on being happy with my friends.

Rose and I got a shipment from George and Hermione. When we opened it we were excited to see that they had provided us with complete costumes. Rose's dragon costume came with a potion that her mother had made her. After she drinks it, she will be able to breathe out fire. Her dragon costume looks a lot like a dragon and George supplied her with a potion that will make her face have scales on it!

My fairy costume is incredible. I will be using a simple dress as my costume, but the most incredible part is the part that Hermione supplied me with. She made me a potion that will make me grow actual fairy wings, so that I will be able to fly. George gave me a bottle that I will be able to pour over myself that will make me glitter.

Our costumes are very cool and I am so glad that we got help from George and Hermione!

The days go by and soon Halloween is here. We get out of classes early so that we can get ready for the Halloween costume party.

Rose and I bring our costumes to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Selena told me that she would talk Myrtle into letting us use the room without any interruptions. I quickly pull on the elegant yet simple dress that Selena let me borrow from her, well actually take, since she no longer has any use for it! It is light yellow, blue, and pink and very pretty. It flows around me as I put it on. It goes down to my knees. I guess it was for Selena when she was younger, but she must have enchanted it to fit me. I put on the silver slippers that Hermione sent along. Rose has put on her costume and looks really wicked.

We finish putting on our costumes and look at each other. I can't believe that the potions worked! Rose has scales all over her face and her eyes are bright red instead of their normal blue. I am fluttering a few feet above the ground and my skin sparkles magically. We laugh and I land on the ground. Then we walk arm and arm towards the Great Hall. I wonder what type of foods there will be!

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