Chapter 10: Fun at Hogwarts

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The days go by and Hermione hasn’t written back, so either she wrote back to Selena or the letter wasn’t important. It probably wasn’t too serious. I can’t believe time has whooshed by so quickly. In a few days, I’ll have been at Hogwarts for a whole month!

Our classes are getting harder, but there are some really nice 5th years that help me sometimes. The most helpful out of our three 5th year helpers, is Isabelle Cloud, she’s incredibly nice and sometimes her friends, Harry Brown and Callan Scamander help us out too!

I just finished my homework, so I’m going to go down to say hi to Selena. I feel really guilty, since I always say  that I’m going to Hagrid’s hut, when really I have barely seen him all year. I should go visit him soon.  After I go to Selena’s, I’m having a sleepover with the other girls in my year and house!

I call for Helena and she leads me towards Selena’s chamber. I say the password and the door opens. I peer through the opening carefully, wondering if Selena will let me in today.

 “Oh Julia, how lovely to see you!” she says cheerfully when she sees me.

 “It’s nice to see you too!” I say to her happily.

 “Would you like to sit down for a spot of tea,” she asks me happily, “I just baked some cookies!”

 “That would be wonderful.” I say as I sit down at the table she motions me towards.

 “What would you like to drink, dear?” she asks as she sits down across from me.

 “What do you have?” I ask her.

 “Oh I can make anything appear dear.” she says and pulls out what must be her wand.

How does she have a wand when she is a ghost? Can she still work magic?

“Of course I can work magic,” she says, “That was one of the skills Death let me retain, because of my unfortunate way of dying.”

She sighs unhappily.

“How did you die?” I ask her curiously.

“That is a story for another time dear,” she says kindly, “Would you like some milk?”

I nod and a bottle of milk appears in her hand. She pours me a glass and then sets the bottle down. A large pile of chocolate cookies floats over towards us and settles down in between us.

“Now how have your classes been going?” she asks me nicely.

I tell her about all of the classes I have been taking. We continue talking while we eat the cookies and drink our milk.

Selena seems the same, yet more guarded and aware of what she is saying. Her chamber hasn’t changed much, except the door is glittering gold and there is a large lock on the desk. I wonder what happened.

Selena must have heard my though because her eyes drift towards mine and she stares at me, as if evaluating me. She shakes her head and turns back to petting Snowfall. I spend most of the afternoon with Selena and soon we have become even better friends. But, unfortunately it’s soon time for my sleepover with the girls, so I rush up to Gryffindor tower!

“Albus.” I pant to the Fat Lady when I get up to the tower. I ran all the way up here so that I could see my friends.

“I love that the password is my name!” Albus laughs as he comes walking up behind me.

“It’s only because it’s after Dumbledore.” I say to him.

“No,” he says arrogantly, “It’s because of me! It’s because I am so awesome!”

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