Chapter 6: Diagon Alley

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I wake up from the combination of the bright light streaming through the window and into my eyes, my two crazy best friends bouncing on my bed and the two same crazy best friends yelling for me to wake up for breakfast. I yawn and have barely enough time to sit up, before I am dragged down the many sets of stairs and to the breakfast table where Mrs. Weasley is handing out heaping plates with scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, and blueberries. Hermione starts discussing today’s plan as we dig into the scrumptious food.

 We will be going to Diagon Alley, which sounds like a wizard mall, to get all of the things we will need for school. Hermione says that we will be split into groups to make it easier and they will be based on what year we will be going into. We will also be having chaperones, which I am very glad of, because this ‘Diagon Alley’ sounds very confusing! Hermione lays out a piece of paper and then creates a copy for everyone and hands it to them. I read the paper, looking at who is in which group and year. There are so many first years and Weasleys!

I smile happily; I can’t wait to see Diagon Alley. After breakfast and helping Mrs. Weasley with the dishes, Rose, Alice and I run upstairs to look at the list of things we need to get. I reread and smile, I can’t wait to get my wand!

I wonder if there is a place to buy pets at Diagon Alley, because I really would like to have a pet to take to Hogwarts. We get dressed and get ready to go to Diagon Alley. Rose told me that the bag that I had my things in was charmed by her mum so that it has as much space as I want. We take our lists and walk down to where everyone has gathered.

 Although the kids that are from year 3 and up don’t need chaperones, they will have someone they have to report to and someone that will apparate with them to Diagon Alley. We are the second group to go, right after my brother and dad leave with all the other kids. Hermione grabs my arm as well as Rose’s and I for the second time in two days feel the odd feeling in my stomach and feel winded when my feet finally touch the ground.

 I feel slightly disappointed because all I see is a dirty old looking wall.

 “Hermione is this Diagon Alley?” I ask her.

 “You’ll see!” she says mysteriously.

 She pulls out her wand and taps the wall; suddenly I am looking out at a crowded street with many leaning buildings stretching as far as I can see.

 “Wicked!” I gasp. All of us first years stare out at the wonderful alley.

 “Ok Group 1, come on!” says Hermione cheerfully, leading us down the street.

 First we visited the bank where we met goblins and I found out that Mum actually has a full wizard vault. We then wandered down the street and to the book store called Flourish and Blotts.

 When we walk inside I see one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. The store is full from top to bottom with books. The bookshelves reach the ceiling and there are tables with books filling them. The books are all sorts of different sizes, colors and shapes, and anyone, even if they despised reading would be amazed by this.

 We walk over to the table that has a sign that says ‘Hogwarts First Year Books.’ On the table are all of the titles that we need for this year. I pick up a pile of books and give them to Mum so that she can pay. Hermione tells us we can go and look around at other books that might interest us, but we have to be back in 10 minutes.

 Rose says she has a book that she has to find to read at school and everyone else wanders off so I head towards the back of the store. I walk over towards a shelf with books in black leather bindings and pull one randomly off the shelf. It is titled The Thousande One Flora Which Defeat. I pull it off the shelf and look at the first page; it looks boring with tiny letters, so I put it back and walk towards the non-fiction section since I want to find out more about the wizarding world.

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