Chapter 24: What? I'm Bi and i have hormones, what else do you expect?

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By the time we were done choosing our fabulous swimwear. I looked awesome, Selena looked awesome and James looked cool too. Selena awed at me as i got walked out of the bathroom slightly nervous.

''Kai's gonna be all over you tonight!'' she exaggerated the 'all' and James looked at me uneasily.

''Are you sure bout' this?''

''You act like a over protective brother sometimes James'' i chuckled and patted him on the shoulder.

''I'll be fine''

''Yeah, she'll be fine! She's one bad ass bitch!'' Selena yelled jumping around.

''You look fabulous to, if i was gay you'd be my crush'' i grinned and she soon had red tints on her cheeks.

''Yeah, yeah''

''Your such a Tsundere'' James butted in.

''You need to stop watching anime Jay'' Selena laughed and James frowned.

''He's probably watching hentai in his free time'' a grin spread across my face as i said this slyly, blood rushed to his cheeks.

''I-I..don' shut up and lets get to the pool party'' he practically shrieked.

Me and Selena put jeans shorts on, while James put a shirt on which his swim shorts underneath.

''We're taking my baby'' i said grabbing my car keys, me and James headed towards the door when Selena stopped us.


She grabbed a sunhat and me and James gave her a 'really?' look. She shrugged and put the sunhat on her head.

''What? Its called 'fashion'..'' i rolled my eyes playfully and shook it off as we ran out of the door avoiding any questions Selena's mom shoots at us willing to deal with it afterwards.


Chloe's house was really far and it took us around half an hour to get there. Finally, when we got there i saw Kai's car parked alongside the road. Chloe was one of the the rich kids at school and she had a massive Penthouse with a pool in the back. It was spectacular, the huge glass windows you could see all the exquisite furniture. We all walked towards the pool party through the house as everyone else was. I saw heads turn, people shocked that i even would wear this bikini and bottom. Soon those heads turned once again and everyone went back to what they were doing. Selena looked at me and Jay.

''I hate Brianna just as much as the next person but she does look hot in a bikini..'' she bit her lips and i laughed with James.

''What? I'm Bi and i have hormones, what else do you expect?''

''Your Bi, and we respect that. Brianna is a bitch. You can have your fantasies over another chick'' James exclaimed and i looked at him slightly shocked.

''He's right'' i agreed.

I looked around and saw Chloe making out with..uh...Lisa? The fuck? Lisa is a idiot, a slut, a hoe but Chloe? I bet she's drunk. Plus, she's straight so she's probably drunk. I'm pretty sure Chloe isn't though. I nudged James and pointed towards them, he soon looked saddened and me and Selena comforted him by giving him a good ol' hug.

''Hey, she wasn't good for you anyway'' Selena  smiled at him reassuringly.

''Go have fun with another girl Jamie'' i tapped his shoulder and he walked cautiously to a girl with black long hair and green emerald eyes.

''I think i'll bounce too, Alex is right there and i wanna make him jelli to see if he really cares about me'' she said as i waved off to her.

I make eye contact with Kai who looked at me with sudden joy. He was, topless, his abs showing and my eyes trailed down his V line quickly before meeting once again with his dark orbs. I started to walk towards me and i felt my body tense up.

''Your sure fine as hell in a bikini, love''

''I know, boo''

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