Chapter 13: You said your irresistible, but so am i, fuck boy

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I turned my head towards my car to find Selena throwing up in the trunk, at first i was angry at the fact that she was throwing up in my baby. But then she just kept on going, spewing her guts out and so i walked behind her and tapped her back as James went into his house to get a towel as we are no longer at the school.

''Come on, let it aaaallllll out girl'' i tapped her back slowly as she stopped throwing her food away into my trunk and leaned against the car exhausted.

''I think i'm ill'' she sniffed out and i looked at her slightly confused.

''You weren't this morning...'' i said as she sniffed.

''Well i don't know then'' she stated as James came out of his house with a towel.

''Here, you can well, um wipe the puke away'' James stuttered as he handed over the towel. (WTF IS PUKE? LMAO US BRITISH PEOPLE CALL IT ''VOMIT'')

Selena looked really bad, he eyes were watery and red from all the throwing up and she looked really pale.

''I think we should drop you off home, i mean you could tell your p-parents that you got sent home from school because you were throwing up'' ugh its hard to say 'parents' out loud when you don't have any.

~Time skip~

''Bye babe, take care!'' i yell from the car as James waves along with me to Selena.

I watched as her fragile figure makes its way into the house and shuts the door behind. My eyes avert towards James who looks at me with a dull expression. I look at his eyes who seem worried about Selena, i mean they were friends longer than they ever were with me. James energetic self comes back as his eyes lay on me and than something behind me.

''Kai six o'clock!'' he whisper-yells as he points behind my shoulder.

I turn around at the speed of light, oh of course, he just HAS to be here. He walks towards my car with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth as the tip burns and a trail of smoke follows. It makes him look quite mysterious when that trail of smoke stalks behind him. Okay, i need to remember that i have to play him at his own game.

He has to want me instead of the other way round.

I need to be in control this time.

He approaches my car. His fine ass still doesn't deserve to be in the presence of my beauty of a car no matter how sexy this bad boy is. Nothing can compare with the beauty of my Mazda 3. Nothing!

''Hello there love and her friend'' a smirk playing on his lips dangerously as James just sits there and watches.

''Hey boo, missing me too soon'' i bite my lip smirking and he chuckles.

''Nice rhymes Princess but you have to know, you can't play that game unless your willing to be fully committed to my ways '' he crosses his arms and raises a eyebrow.

''Oh i'm committed alright , so how many girls have you fucked since we started this little game?'' i purred smirking and he chuckled once again.

''That's for me to know and you to find out my Princess''

''Oh, i will'' i thought for a minute.

''you said your irresistible, but so am i, fuck boy''.

''Oh we'll see about that Princess...'' he laughs.

Sooner or later James clears his throat signaling he's still there and he grabs my shoulder and for a second i saw a flash of jealousy on Kai's face. Maybe its because i'm so close to James?

Anyway, i start the car and look at Kai.

''Goodbye sugar plum'' i wink and speed off back towards James's house.

I sigh and keep my eyes on the road while i talk.

''So how was i?'' I saw a bit rusty at my flirting skills as i haven't been my player self in a while.

''You were goooood, Cess he's gonna fall for you but the real question is: whats stopping you from falling for him?'' James eyes fall on my and i sigh once again.

''I have not fucking fallen for him and i won't Jay'' i try not to yell out as we park outside his house.

''See you tomorrow'' i say and he nods while gets into his house.

I speed off not wanting to do anything else but eat and sleep.

Falling for that guy? No way. James must be out of his mind at this point! I mean the guy is hot but thats all! I least i think it is? Nah i wont fall for him, and i wont be heat broken again!! Not this time. Not ever.

While i drive i see Brianna and Michael yelling on the pavement with Lisa behind Brianna backing her up, so in good heart...i go see what the fuck is happening! I park outside and jump out my car only to make eye contact with Lisa and her slutty self.

''What are you doing here?'' she looked so unamused.

''I wanna know whats happening no-brain!'' then when Lisa was about to protest Micheal starts yelling.

''Love and lust are two different things Brianna!'' he growls and she gasps.

''I swear i love you!!'' she screams and it took everything i had not to laugh.

The power couple is finally down.

''You don't love me! You are only with me because i'm, in a stereotypical way, one of the top five most popular and hot boys in the school!!'' he shouts and i really try not to laugh.

I promise i really did try not to.

But i just couldn't help myself.

So before i was invisible because they didn't notice i was there as they were distracted by the fight but now they're absolutely furious with me.

Brianna and Micheal stare daggers at me, their eyes were practically on fire as they gazed at me with pure hatred.

''You mother fucking bitch, get the hell out of here!!'' Brianna shrieks and Lisa glares at me too.


I decided to listen to her, just this one time because i was starving and tired and i couldn't be bothered fighting Micheal and his largeness. So jump into my car and drive off before you could say

'Brianna and Micheal are over'.

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