Chapter 14: What is bitch and whore doing by my desk Mr Johnson?!

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Ugh, so fucking tired today....In the background i heard voices as i slept comfortably and warm in my bed.

''Should we wake her up?''

''Nah, i got a better idea''

I couldn't be bothered worrying about this idea so i rolled over to my side and grumbled. Sooner or later i felt someone grab my legs and drag me out of bed by my legs. I kicked and i'm not some horror movie bitch who just screams. I hear giggles and laughs as my eyes widen.

''JAMES LET GO OF MY FUCKING LEGS!'' i yelled as i hit the floor with a big thud.

I groaned quite over dramatically and i looked up to see James and Selena towering over me. They were grinning and laughing and i gave them my middle finger in response and they just carried on grinning.

''assholes..'' i grumbled.

''You overslept and my mom is gonna kill me if i skip more classes and she's already got enough to deal with the kids so i told James to drag you outta bed'' she smirked and placed her hands on her hips.

''Hurry up and get your ass off the floor, hm does your sister even care when you skip classes or get late for school'' James thought and gave me a curious expression.

Without getting up off the floor and put my hand on my chin and lay down side ways.

''She does and gives me loads of lectures over text but i really don't listen because i don't care'' i sighed and i saw Selena's finger in my face.

''Stop talking already and get ready for school!'' she yells and i almost peed myself in fright.

I ran to the bathroom and had a quick shower, the water hitting my skin. Soon i was ready and ran out of the house in a rush along with James and Selena.

~Time skip~

Thank god by the time i got to school my hair didn't look like a hot wet mess anymore. I walked into the classroom to find Brianna and Lisa right by my desk...Ah fucking great...

''What is bitch and whore doing by my desk Mr Johnson?!'' i said giving them horrible looks.

''This is bitter pleasure watching you so annoyed and frustrated'' Brianna smirked looking at her manicured nails.

I growled at her and banged my fist on her desk glaring at her and Lisa looked at me disgusted.

''Stop glaring at me like that slut, who's boyfriend did you sleep with thats made you all irritated?'' i probably looked like a Harry Potter angry at Draco.

Just before Lisa could reply the Mr Johnson raised his voice for the first time ever.

''Now thats enough of your comments Miss Jones!'' he yelled and i sighed.

''Everything has a price, how'd you get a seat next to me Brianna?'' i looked at her trying not to gag.

She just loves to annoy me, so its great for her to be sitting next to me for Maths. I bet she got Lisa to sleep with Mr Johnson or maybe even did it herself, i mean he's young and not too shabby looking either and thats also the reason why i call him by his actual name.

''Oh you don't need to know, but remember this is my school, i tried to be friends but this time..'' she paused and smirked.

''I'm the wolf in disguise and you, well your just a measly sheep''

''I loose brain cells watching you trying to think of a wolf and sheep metaphor'' i said quietly and walked to my desk with pride.

Johnson rolled his eyes and carried on with the stupid maths lesson. After the most boring lesson about Dynamical systems and differential equations. I walked out chewing some gum as some people were passing some around earlier on. I walk past the janitors closet and hear some moaning sounds? I walk backwards towards the door and open it to see one horrifying sight. Lisa shrieks and Dylan puts his hands on his face in shame.

Yes, yes boi, you should be ashamed.

Dylan and Lisa were making out on a extreme level, her fucking top was thrown in the corner of the closet and so was Dylan's. Lisa had her hand stuck up Dylan's dick, literally. She had her hand in his pants.

Were they planning on having sex in the janitors closet?!

''Sex addicts..'' i murmur and they seem to hear me as their faces became more red.

I just stand there shocked and wide eyed as they gather their clothes and dignity.

I have officially been blinded and scarred for life. I'm literally legally blind now.

They run out of the closet in different directions  and i head for the girls' bathroom to try and erase that image from my brain. I splash water on my face and dry it with tissue. I walk out scarred and towards the Cafeteria to meet up with my friends. I soon see them arguing with Alex.

''Get lost Alex! No one fucking wants your shit right now!'' Selena yells and i but in because why not?

''Yeah Alex! Get your pervy ass somewhere!'' i shout and he looks at me.

''Your not even in this conversation bitch!'' he gets really close to my face and what i decide to do?

Well i kick him in the balls and start cackling like a witch as Selena and James watch him squirm about in pain with their jaws dropping.

''Ahaha! Fuck you!!'' i yell laughing as he gives me a death look and i step back.

I fist bump my friends as he walks away trying not to cry in pain. I look around the cafeteria to see everyone staring at us, really?! like wtf? Sooner or later i make eye contact with Kai, his gaze won't let me go. Like i'm trapped in his brown beautiful eyes. Never noticed how alluring and desiring they are...

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