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Oh lord. God forbid i don't crack and go nuts on this guy. Kai go fuck off, i've already enough of the roller coasters of emotions already and i don't want more flustered feelings and bullshit.

I give my friends the 'help-me-get-outta-this-situation' look and they give me a reassuring look. I sigh and my eyes lay back on Kai and his gorgeousness.

''What is it now pretty boy?'' i crossed my arms over my chest and bit my lip.

I immediately smirked as Kai looked at me biting the corner of my lips and his ears go slightly red. It was really faint and you couldn't really tell unless you looked close enough. Interestingly, i noticed these little details in him.

''Did you just call me pretty? Your quite the charmer my Princess'' he winked and i put my hands on my hips.

''Am i? Interesting''

I didn't really mind that he called me his Princess anymore..

''I can't wait to see you at the pool party love'

''And i can't wait to see that V line, fuck boy'' a smirk suddenly plastered all over my smug face and my friends looked like they were enjoying the show.

''If you want you could see it now?'' he said teasingly and came closer to me.

He was so close now i could feel the heat of his body up against mine and his heart beat in his chest as he towered over me. Oh god, how much i wanted him to be mine. And mine only..

''I would love to, but i gotta go now, bye boo'' i winked and walked off, chaining my arms around my friends arms and dragging them off side by side.

''The fuck was that?'' James stated as i dragged my friends out of the school building.

''Yeah, you totally could have gotten some!'' Selena squealed slightly fed up with me.

''Gotten some in school? We don't want that Lisa and Dylan thing all over again..'' i grumbled remembering what happened that day.

''Yuck, no way, you could've went to his house though, had a bit of fun'' Selena giggled and nudged me.

''She's right'' James stated.

''You guys know i don't like him'' i said while i opened my car door and we all went inside my baby.

Biggest lie i have ever told.

''I know how you look at him, you absolutely adore him'' James said as he went in and sat in shotgun.

''He's right'' Selena stated, spreading her legs on the back seat making herself comfortable.

''Okay, maybe i like him, just a tad bit, but he's a player and i'm a player, it'll never work'' i exclaimed while i drove towards her house.

''First of all, you haven't slept with anyone ever since you've came to this damn school!'' James waved his arms and i chuckled nervously.

''Well, i guess you're right about that..''

''Second of all, i heard that Kai hasn't slept with anyone ever since you arrived'' Selena smiled as she lay down on the backseat, he legs up and put her arms behind her head relaxed.

''That isn't possible Lena, and i'm gonna get pulled over if you carry on lying  down all over the backseat like that'' i exclaimed keeping my eyes on the road.

''Stop changing the subject''

''yeah, yeah, yeah''

''You know, i heard that Kai has been sleeping with more chicks just to get his mind off you'' James wiggled his eyebrows and i started to sweat a little. Gross.

''Or maybe you guys are just crazy and trying to drive me insane'' i laughed it off while these two didn't look convinced.

''You love him, he loves you, we love you, its practically fate! Do you not remember what happened at James's house?! IT WAS FUCKING FATE WOMAN!!'' she giggled and squealed like the fangirl she was.

''O Romeo, O Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo!?'' James mimicked me in a higher voice batting his eyelashes.

I bursted out laughing and tried to not crash the car as i parked in Selena's driveway, all of laughing like maniacs. We all got out of the car and strolled towards Selena's door as she opened it. As soon as we went inside we saw Selena's mom with a broom in her hand pointing it at us. We put our hands up in surrender as she realizes its us.

''Oh i'm sorry chicas, James'' she paused for a second and then carried on ''I heard you unlocking the door so i immediately grabbed the broom'' she laughed and then raised her eyebrows at us realizing something.

''What are you niños [children] doing here? You should be at school!'' she huffed and put her hands on her hips angrily.

Well, she wasn't wrong we should be at fourth period. Last time we came here to get ready for a party her siblings had a day off from school, all six of them. So i guess her parents were too busy to question her, but now, most of her siblings were at school. So time to make a excuse.

''School let us out early because err...James why don't you tell her?'' Selena said nervously and nudged James.

''Ummm.. Princess you tell her..'' he chuckled and looked like sweat was rolling down his forehead.

'Selena's mom looked really fed up with us.

''Err Gas Leak!'' i almost yelled in relief and Mrs Gold sighed.

''You got away with it this time, now scram! Go on shoo!'' she yelled indicating us to go up the stairs with her broom.

We sprinted up the stairs into Selena's bedroom.

Her mom sure was scary when she wants to be.

But her mom was badass, i mean she was scary, but she knew how to use a broom.

As soon as we got into Selena's room, i yelled ''Selena, your mom is fucking badass!''.

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