Chapter 10 - A Date to Remember

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After I got off work, I headed home to get ready for the dreaded date.

When I arrived, I ran into Conner.

"Where are you going?" I asked, looking at the bags in his hands.

"We're moving out," he replied.

I furrowed my brows. "Why?"

"Because we need our own space."

I nodded.

"We also don't need people walking in on us," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Where's Jordan?"

"She's already at the place."

"Oh, where are you guys moving to?"

He sighed. "Why must you ask so many questions?"

Conner walked around me, bringing the bags outside to his car. I walked upstairs to get ready.

On my way up I heard my parents in their room. I forgot they came back today. I guess I didn't notice their car outside.

I showered then, dressed in a white flowy dress that stopped right above the knees. I braided my hair to the side, applied a small amount of make up, and stepped into white wedges.

I picked up my phone to check the time. I saw that I had two missed calls. One from Angie, and the other one was unknown.

I hated the fact that I always missed it when this person called. I was curious to know who it was, and why they were blocking their number when they call me.

Next time, though, I was gonna get it.

I returned Angie's call and she picked up on the third ring.

"Terrin! Where have you been?!"

I've been MIA from Angie lately. Mostly because I've been busy with Jordan. I felt bad, and decided to make it up to Angie by hanging out with her tomorrow.

"I've been busy, sorry," I apologized. "I'll make it up to you, though."

"Busy with what?" He asked.

"Stuff," was my simple reply.

"Mmh alright. What are you doing tonight?"

"I have a date with Louis," I blurted out without thinking about what I was telling her. I didn't want her to know about anything that has been going on lately.

Angie's smart. She can find out anything just from one small detail.

"Louis?!" Terrin, are you on drugs or some shit?"

It was probably smart not to even mention it to her.

"Yeah, um, he's really cool once you get to know him," I lied.

There was silence for a minute.

"Okay then," she finally replied. "I still think you're on something, though. But whatever. You have fun on your date."

I nodded. "Let's hang out tomorrow, though."

"Sounds cool," she replied. "I have to go, but I'll talk to you later. Bye!"

"Bye," I said before she hung up.

Angie's my best friend, yes.

But her judgment towards my feelings about Jordan and what happened that night, no.

I walked outside and waited for Louis. He arrived a short while later.

I got in his car and we were on our way.

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