Chapter 4 - Drugged

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"I think that's just totally wrong," Angie said.

She came to pick me up the next morning to take me to work. On our way there we were talking about what we talked about last night. She continued to assume that I had feelings for Jordan.

I scoffed. "Can't a woman find another woman attractive without having feelings for her?"

"Terr, it seemed like more than that last night."

I rolled my eyes. She wasn't wrong. It was pretty obvious last night but that doesn't mean anything, right?

"I mean, if you're a lesbian, I will still love you but if you're gonna crush on a girl, don't let it be your stepbrother's girlfriend. Imagine all the problems it would cause between you and your family," she explained.

I blew out a deep breath. "I am not crushing on her, okay? I'm straight! You've known me practically my whole life so, you should know that I'm not into girls that way."

She put her hands up as if to defend herself. "Okay, whatever you say, Terr."

We pulled into the subway parking lot and I grabbed my things.

"What time do you get out?" Angie asked.

"The usual," I replied. "7 pm."

She nodded. "Come out with me tonight then. We could go clubbing."

I chuckled and raised an eye brow. "Clubbing? Since when do we club?"

"Since tonight! You need to get out more and who knows, maybe you'll meet a guy there," She winked.

I waved her off and opened the car door stepping out. "I'll think about it."

"You better! Or I'll have to drag you there!" She said.

I laughed and closed the car door before walking into my job.

I dreaded being here. My boss is an ass and the customers are jerks. I'm already at the verge of losing my job for throwing a sandwich at this man's face who claimed I gave him the wrong order.

What I've noticed is that I'm the only employee they give a hard time.

It's like they pick on me for no reason and I'm sick of it. I swear they're worse than Racheal at times.

As I started preparing an order, I noticed Jordan walking in.

"Terrin," she smiled. "I didn't know you work here."

I noticed a few guys staring at her. A tiny feeling of jealousy rushed through me. I tried to ignore this feeling and move on but it was hard for me to.

"Yeah I.. I do," I stumbled over my words.

"That's cool. Is it possible I could get a free sandwich, then?" she chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

"I was just kidding, Terrin," she said before placing her order. I finished this sandwich and handed it to the customer then, got started on hers.

I handed it over to her and refused to take the money she was holding out.

"It's free," I smiled slightly.

Technically, I wasn't supposed to be giving out free stuff but I thought I could sneak Jordan a free sandwich.

Jordan smiled back and thanked me before walking out and all I could do was stare at her gorgeous a-

"Terrin!" A voice boomed in my ear.

I jumped and turned around to see my boss.

"No free sandwiches. That's coming out of your paycheck," he explained. I rolled my eyes.

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