Chapter 2 - Dinner Disaster

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I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack. My step mom was in there getting all the food ready. It smelled delicious.

I opened the fridge door and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Terrin," she said, causing me to turn around and look at her.

"You had better be on your best behavior. This is your family," she warned.

I rolled my eyes. Most of the people coming weren't even technically my family. They were all her family, except for my grandma.

My dad had thought it would be nice to also, invite her. So, he did.

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I said as I walked past the door completely ignoring it.

It rang again and that's when my step mother came out of the kitchen complaining about my attitude and such. I chuckled as she did.

I had to admit it was fun pissing her off.

She lightened up once she opened the door and greeted everyone.

They were all there; grandma, aunt Lily, uncle Lou and Conner. I was attacked with hugs and kisses as they came in.

"You've gotten so big!" My grandma cooed.

"Grandma, It's only been like two months since you saw me, I haven't grown much since then," I said as I tried to pull away from her pinching my cheek. I'm 19, god dammit. I don't need this.

"Conner, where's your girlfriend?" I heard my step mother say.

"She's right behind me. She had to take a phone call," he replied as he made his way towards me.

"How's my little step sister?" He asked. "Did you miss me?"

"Could I lie and say I did?" I replied.

My step mother warned me by giving me a look. I rolled my eyes. I didn't have to behave for people who weren't technically my family, excluding my grandma.

My father came down, gave me a kiss then, greeted everyone. I watched as they all complimented each other and whatnot. It was all stupid to me.

I'm the type of person who doesn't get along with people. The only two people I actually tolerate are my dad and Angie.

Ever since my mom left us, I've just been cold towards other people. I don't get along with anyone anymore. I mostly keep to myself when I'm around other people.

I, sometimes, wonder if things would have been different if my mom had never left. Would I have been different? Where would we be? What would have happened?

"So, Terrin, how's life after high school?" Aunt Lily asked me, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Fine," I replied, taking a sip of my water.

I graduated high school last year. I went to a community college afterwards but I had dropped out. Problems had occurred and I just couldn't continue going.

The instructors hated me. They would fail me for no reason. I could have been at the top of the class. Most of the students there didn't put effort into school. I did. Yet they disliked me.

One day, I turned in a major project and I received an 0 just because they didn't like the style I used in the essay. So, I told them off and left. After that, I was done.

I haven't thought about going back to school since then so, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I have no future plans as of right now. I don't even know what I want to do. Whatever. For now I'm just going to stick with my job at Subways.

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