Chapter 7 - Aint It Fun

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Work today was slow as usual. I went in, got cussed out by a few customers, then clocked out. Nothing new.

The whole time my head was stuck on Jordan. It's like she's permanently glued to my mind.

I also kept thinking about tonight and whether we should do it or not. Was it a good idea, knowing my feelings towards her? What if it would be awkward?

I sighed as I drove towards Angie's place. My car finally got fixed so, no more depending on others for rides. I was happy about it.

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building she currently resides in alone.

I turned the car off and made my way up to her apartment.

I entered the elevator and pushed the button for the second floor. When it arrived I stepped out and walked towards to her apartment. When I stood in front of it, I gave it a light knock. When no one answered, I knocked harder.

After a few minutes, the door opened revealing Angie. I gave her a small smile but she returned it with a frown.

"What, Terrin? Were you not done yelling at me and telling me how bad of a friend I am?" She said with much attitude.

I blew out a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. "I came here to apologize. Now, would you let me in?"

Angie stood there for a minute before opening the door more and stepping aside for me to enter. She closed the door behind me as I sat on her couch. I looked around, examining the place as if I've never been here when I have. Plenty of times.

She sat on the chair on the other side of the coffee table and waited for me to speak.

"I'm sorry for getting hyped up. You know me. When I get mad, I get mad. But I shouldn't acted that way towards you. Especially you being my best friend."

She sat there taking in my words. After a moment of silence, she spoke.

"Terrin, I'm sorry for leaving you there. If I knew-"

"-It's whatever. People make mistakes. Let's just put it in the past and not be mad at each other."

She smiled and I returned it. She then, got up and hugged me.

"I love you, Terrin," she said as we embraced each other.

"I love you too, Angie."

We separated and she took a seat next to me.

"So, what happened? Tell me everything." She said.

I sat there explaining to her all that I remembered and what Jordan told me what happened. From James drugging me then trying to get me to leave with him, to me passing out in the bathroom and the red-haired, non-molesting girl saving me.

She was shocked from all that I was telling her and began to cry saying she was a bad friend. I hugged her and told her it's okay. 

After she calmed down, we had coffee and talked about whatever came up in our heads and then, I left to begin on Jordan and I's girl's night.

I neglected to bring up my feelings towards Jordan to Angie, and how I'm not denying it anymore. I was afraid of her judging me and constantly bringing me down about it. I just wanted to be at peace and let these feelings pass by without anyone knowing. Eventually they would fade and things would be back to normal.



I arrived home after 10 minutes. I inserted my key into the lock and as soon as I walked in I was hit with the smell of something amazing. 

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