The Truth Is Disturbing

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•°• 8 Hours Later•°•

(We passed up the 'Welcome To Los Angeles' sign. I laid on Ray's lap while he drove. DeZha was sleep in Roc's arms, while he looked at the sunset. We were finally home. Prod was watching to see if they followed us, but I'm sure they didn't. I'm so relieved. We can finally be safe. For now. The East Coast is probably being moved over here. The whole country will be split in half. Thousands are dying or changing. But, we were survivors. We lost valuable people. But, we lived through this hell. And, we came back to tell the story.)

"LOOK OUT," Prod shouted.

(I sat straight up, only to see us swerving and heading towards a cliff. DeZha, Roc, Ray, and I hopped out quickly. Prod was stuck in the back. The Jeep flew off the cliff with Prod still inside. We heard the faint crash at the bottom. DeZha choked on her tears. Prince pulled over, and the rest got out.)

"What happened?"

Roc sighed. "We lost our Jeep on the cliff. But..... We lost Prod, too."

"Shit," Prince cursed.

(Me and the girls cried our eyes out for Prod. Except Deeona. She was awake and silent. Looking at the sunset. I miss Prod already.)

"Um, guys," Elijah said warily. "I don't think we're on the safe side."

(We all walked over towards the edge of the cliff. I looked down first. I saw the Jeep. It was crushed. Prod lay on the side of it, bleeding. Then, I looked up. My heart stopped beating. My home was destroyed. The skyscrapers' windows looked as if they were blown out. Then, I saw black figures crawling along the skyscrapers. The first thing that came to mind was the word 'evolution'. That's what Elijah was talking about. And, its happening. But, what struck me hard was, the East Coast was the safe zone. That was miles away. The border of safety had to be in the middle of the country, which was still fairly far. The tears couldn't stop falling, as the thoughts kept swirling around in my head. We had just got back home, to find out that it was already infected. It was too much to take in. We just all stood and stared, as our city became the monster's land.)


This Is The End Of The First Book "Survival", But I Will Not Disappoint My Babes, Because There Will Be A Sequel. Look Out For "The Survivors". I Hoped You Liked This Book But It Just Began, Y'all.... Until Next Time, Much Love...


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