Chapter 19- The name game

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                             I'm alive and I've updated for you all !!! :)

Hope it was worth it :) xx (Which I'm sure it was)


"Baby girl" I heard a voice say, probably Kane's, "Wake up Baby girl, we've got to be out this room in half an hour"

Half an hour...ergh.

"Leave me alone Kane," I heard him sigh. Good, he's leaving me alone to sleep. But thing I knew I was being lifted in the air and thrown over someones shoulders, no guess's who,

"I tried. I let you sleep in the longest. I tried to wake you up nicely, but you wouldn't get up, so...and your going to kill me for this...Wyatt"


"Turn on the shower please"

"You wouldn't, Kane dont you dare. I'm up"

"Too late Baby girl"

"Sam...Joel" I hollered,

"They've gone to get breakfast".


He carried me into the bathroom. I thought about fighting...but...what the hell,

"You know if I'm going down. I'm bringing you down with me," He just grinned.


"WYATT" I screamed "IT COULD HAVE AT LEAST BEEN HOT" as Kane dropped me into the shower, I was like, I don't think so Mr. I held onto him tightly and hauled him in on top of me. It was a tight squeeze, the shower wasn't that big!

"Told you" I laughed, he smiled

"You could have just asked if you wanted a shower with me"

"Whatever," He stood up and stepped out. I was getting used to the coldness, but got out too. Kane wrapped the towel around me then kissed me gently on my forehead.

"We have 20 minutes to get ready. I love you"

"Love you more baby and Rodger that," Wyatt laughed at me when I walked out,

"Thanks very much Wyatt"

"My pleasure" Sam and Joel then walked in,

"Why are you sopping wet and wrapped in a towel?" Joel asked "Actually I don't want to know"

"Kane" Was all I said,

"Yes" Kane replied walking into view,

"Breakfast" Sam said,

"Give me like 2 minutes" I said, grabbing random clothes and dashing into the bathroom.

2 minutes later I was sat on one of the queen beds munching on my sausage, egg and cheese bagel from McDonald's,

"How longs it going to take to get back home?" I asked

"If we drive straight with no stops then it'll probably take a day and a couple of hours" Kane answered,

"But we're going to stop for the night right?" Sam said,

"Yes, probably" Just then there was a knock on the door, we all looked at eachother,

"No idea" The knock came again. I got up and headed to the door, Kane followed me. I opened it to find Jess stood there,

"Oh hey, Jess do you want to see Wyatt?"

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