The day i discovered Poetry!!

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After that dream I can now see another day of trying something new. It was like a dream come true!  Actually it happened yesterday, but why Did I have a dream of what happened yesterday ? A dream that I had realized after I wake up from it I didn't seem to want to wake up, but I now have to face the world! Waking up to hear the birds singing and the sun rising to meet the  world! Reflecting on the ocean like a mirror.. A beautiful orange sun the sets so beautifully over the horizon! I must get up,! " Elizabeth say's! " so Elizabeth gets out of bed and heads down stairs to brew some coffee and fix a simple breakfast.. Avocado toast, oatmeal, and fruits!! And heads back to her room to enjoy her meal on her patio, While everyone else is starting to wake up!! Elizabeth grabs her computer and listens to meditation music " DING " a sound comes her computer and an advertisement pops up learn about poetry!! At that moment she clicks on the ad and it comes across the computer and a woman is reading poetry while there's soothing music playing in the background and she realizes how relaxing it is. So Elizabeth finishes her breakfast after 30 minutes when the poetry reading is over with!! " That was very relaxing " Elizabeth notices! " She finds a new place to be centered in her life and how poetry will balance the rest of her life and since reading seems to be so relaxing to her poetry is a new level of inspiration for her! " Elizabeth " her mom calls her to the kitchen! Elizabeth goes downstair's because she can hear her from her room!! " Yes MOM " Did you eat any breakfast yet ? " Here mom asked " Yes mam I sure did " Elizabeth replied! What did you eat ? Mom asked! Avocado toast, oatmeal, and fruits, and I fixed enough of coffee for all of us! " Elizabeth answered "  You are a saint! "Mom replied" so mom starts breakfast for her, dad, and Chasity and I head back to my room and take a hot bubble bath and relax with some candles lit and smooth instrumental  music playing. After 30 minutes of relaxing in the bath tub Elizabeth gets out and puts on her robe and puts on her mud mask and forgot she left her dishes on the patio and drys off and put her clothes of the day on and takes her dishes downstairs to the kitchen and washes them and grabs a bottle of water and heads to the living room and watches a movie for 2 hours. She suddenly gets a text from her friend Leslie and Leslie ask's her about the spa! " how do you even know that ? " Elizabeth asks "  Leslie texts her back! Cause I was there and saw you go in, didn't you see me in the zen garden? " NO " Elizabeth answered her! " OMG " I forgot today is Thursday, well there is no time as to when I need to be there just so I go and put in my 2 hours of relaxation. " Elizabeth remind's HERSELF " She texts Leslie and tells her she goes alone, so no one can disturb her and distract her while she has her alone time! So Elizabeth turns off her phone til come time she needs to leave for the spa. So after the movie she goes up to her bedroom and fixes up her bed and cleans the house while everyone is at Work and Chasity is out looking for a job. After 2 hours of cleaning a big house She deserves a time to relax by the pool, so she goes and grabs her swimsuit and beach hat and beach bag and goes to the kitchen to grab a sparkling water and grapes, almonds and makes her a sandwich to snack on. After 30 minutes tanning, she floats and swims til come time for her to go to the spa. So she heads in the house and goes to her bathroom to her room and takes a shower before heading to the spa and puts her hair up in a messy bun, grabs her car keys and purse and heads to the city to the spa for an hour.  She gets a text from her mom to meet her for lunch so they meet up at Olive Garden for lunch and then they went to the mall to meet up with Chasity after her interview she had already ate at Panera, so she had already ate by the time they got to the mall there is a Starbucks inside so they go into Starbucks and buy them some drinks. Elizabeth ordered her a Venti Pink Drink, Chasity ordered herself a Venti Passion Tea with Lemonade, and their mom ordered herself an Iced skinny soy vanilla latte. Afterwards they shopped for 2 hours and had a blast trying on clothes and putting on a fashion show for each other and taking pictures, they even went into a photo booth and took pictures.. Nevertheless there is never a time when Elizabeth don't run into her friend's at the mall. Right in the middle of the mall heading towards Bath and Body works, There is her friend's! Leslie, Brooke, Stephanie, Shelby, Nikki, Ashley, Alisha, Wren, Amanda, Keely, Brandy, Mia, Melissa, and Teddi all were there going inside of Bath and Body Works, and Alisha of all of them recognized Elizabeth, Chasity, and their mom and asked them to join them! " You girl's go " Mom said; " NO" Mom You're coming rather you want to or not! It'll be fun! Elizabeth Said! " Come on Mom " Chasity said! Let loose and lighten up and fun with us young chicks!! " Alright let's GO! " Mom said! Just know it's getting close time for dad to be home from work so only for 30 minutes " Mom Suggested " after they had shopped and time was up they left and went home with 6 bags each! Full of clothes, candles, fake plants, shoes, hand soaps, scented car portables from r their cars. After their little shopping spree they left and went to target for groceries. They all end up home and unpack their bags and help their mom make dinner and have it ready by the time Dad gets home! By 8:00 Dad is home.. " What smells Delicious? " Mom heads to the front door and greets him " We have Grilled Chicken, green beans for the girls, Asparagus for us, Mashed potatoes, caviar, mussels, and rolls! Yummy.. My tummy is rumbling!   " Dad say's " it won't for long " Mom say's" Elizabeth Replies " Let's pray before we eat! Ok, Mom say's Let's let Dad pray! So they start to sit down as he puts his briefcase down and takes his coat off at the door, he gets to the dinning room table and blesses the food and they enjoy their food. one hour later, they have ate and started washing dishes and clean up the kitchen and Dad goes to his room and takes himself a bath before bed time as mom and the girls clean up and mom goes to the refrigerator and see's a strawberry cheesecake and chocolate covered pineapples and Strawberries and felt skeptical about where they came from! " Mom, I bought them as a surprise for us after dinner " let's give dad time to get out of the shower and start putting them out on the table " Elizabeth said! Yeah.. Let's surprise him, his birthday is tomorrow Mom! " Chasity said"  Ok! Mom say's, I love what I see.. Thank you girl's He's gonna love it all! This is gonna be a big surprise, he's been so busy, he's forgotten about his birthday! By that time Dad comes to the kitchen to grab him a glass of milk before bed and finds the girl's and mom standing in front of the dinning room table and  is skeptic and as they move out of the way his jaw drops and they wish him a Happy Birthday! He smells something that smells familiar! " Oh Dad" Elizabeth Say's! What you smell is some Corene brûlée in the oven! Mom looks at Elizabeth and her jaws dropped! They celebrate with 4 glasses of milk 1 each and  all these delicious desserts. By 10:00 everyone is ready for bed and they all help clean it. By that time Elizabeth gets a text from her boyfriend saying he wasn't able to come over so she replied that's ok, we just celebrated my dad's birthday tonight and we're getting ready to head to bed. So it's alright do whatever you are doing and tomorrow if everything goes good we can hang out. Her boyfriend Replies back, you are an angel! Until then, Good night and I love you! " Elizabeth replies back" good night, I love you too! So afterwards, it's time everyone heads to bed and Elizabeth outs on her pajamas and lay's there and can't go to sleep, she finally brought back to her memory of what happened earlier that morning and grabs her computer and turns on poetry reading by the same woman and of course like the other video it has smooth instrumental music in the background which makes it even better and ends up falling asleep!

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