The next Day!

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The Next morning I wake up to a breakfast on the dinning room table and mom had my favorite breakfast ready. Strawberry cheesecake pancakes with Strawberry syrup, Bacon on side, and Chocolate crepes with Strawberries and Caramel and Banana Crepes and also it's not a breakfast without some of the best coffee and some orange juice, with a side of fruits! My mom always goes all out for breakfast, because she works at a coffee shop in the morning's and a cook by night! God love heart.. You can't help but to love her! Also she never goes without being the first at the table and ready to pray over the food! Before anyone else starts their morning breakfast. Dad comes in "  Do I smell strawberry cheesecake pancakes and coffee ? " mom replies back, that's not all I fixed! " Chasity walks in " Mom, I smell your coffee from my room, where is it ? Well, Good Morning to you to.. " Mom say's " with a smile on her face! Chasity fixes her a plate and about the time she gets ready to head back to her room, mom notices it's not appropriate for her to go to her room with her food when the rest of us is eating  breakfast at the table, So she get a lil mad and makes her bring her food back and eat with us! After Breakfast is served it's time to wash the dishes and I take it upon myself to do all the dishes and before Dad heads to work, he pours himself some coffee to go and Chasity brings her dishes to the since ry's to head to her room and Dad looks at her with a serious look, Chasity do you see something wrong with this picture ? Chasity Ask's! What ? Look around! " Dad say's " why is Elizabeth the only one doing the dishes ? Elizabeth had planned to do it herself, so she can take her time just to relax to the sounding water and playing relaxing music to make it seem it's not a chore and that it won't be stressful, but she turns around and looks at Chasity and her dad and she decided to let her dad  know. " Dad she don't have to help " I'm fine! " It was my idea "
It relaxes me!  Chasity knew all along Elizabeth would do it or else it don't get done! " Thinking Dad didn't know what was going on in her mind! " She's not doing it alone "
Get you a rag and wash the dishes Elizabeth will rinse the dishes and put them away. You're not getting out this one so soon.. END OF CONVERSATION! " DAD is Serious"
He leaves for work and in no time all the dishes are washed in 10 minutes! " Chasity "
That was't so bad.. Elizabeth says;  and you thought it would take up your time, what are you doing that's so much more important ? Chasity say's, Ok! You broke me.. I was gonna sneak in your room and pray to the mirror because I see you in your room and listen in on your prayer's and I thought I'd give it a try! Elizabeth, you listen to my prayer's ?

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