The best Day EVER!!

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Like every other day my mornings are the same routine, unlike yesterday.. But this morning I got my hair done after breakfast at my mom's coffee shop! My breakfast was A bear claw, pancakes, and turkey bacon, and a cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino. I know At a coffee shop you never really hear of food like pancakes and turkey bacon and other foods like that, but a lot of people suggested it in the suggestion box at the door after their visit, so mom started having breakfast food and started hiring staff to fix breakfast! Afterwards I headed to get my hair fixed, because it had been a long time since I've gotten my hair done, I got layer's this time and some caramel highlights, which I fell in love with it when I saw someone at the coffee shop with a magazine and noticed how good it would look on my medium brown hair. After I got my hair done, I headed to the one place I have definitely have thought of going to since I first saw it, so I went in and signed up for a spa day every Wednesday and Thursday, and since today was Wednesday I got a free spa day without charge just to try it out and see if I like it enough to stick with the way i planned I wanna go for, no matter what I wanted I got it for free. So I tried the massaging table and it was amazing, I tried the yoga poses in the zen garden since I was into yoga, but there were a lot of poses I had never heard of, I wanted to try the hot rock therapy and in a silent room with nothing but meditation music and natural plants and the best smell of air freshener that filled the air conditioning the whole room where there were candles surrounding every corner of every walls. Afterwards I went into a room that led to the mall and at first I didn't know it connected to the mall, so after they suggested my opinion on my visit, I stuck with my plan to coming every Wednesday and Thursday, so I went through the entrance door to the mall and went shopping like what else to do when you are at the mall besides shopping! After an hour I stopped at Starbucks to buy a large pink drink and I went on home and unpacked my bags of clothes and makeup that I had bought at Sephora, Holister, Urban Outfitter's, and Victoria's Secret, and Brandy Melville. I had gotten a text from mom and dad both, they were gonna be out and having an anniversary dinner and wouldn't be home til late tonight, so me and Chasity had the house to ourselves. I don't really like they leave us at the house by ourselves especially at night, even though I could have a couple of friend's over and Chasity can have her a couple of friend's. I thought to myself  I hadn't swam  in our pool for the last couple of days, so I put on my bathing suit and head out to the pool and tan first for 40 minutes, then swim for an hour. Then lay in my hammock while eating some watermelon and put my beach hat and sunglasses and lay there and relax til come time Chasity gets home so I can fix us something to eat! So on the menu today I thought some red lobster so I call in an order for pickup so we can bring it back home and eat outside on the patio with both of our boyfriends, and then maybe swim afterwards. I always order myself some snow crab legs, biscuits, popcorn shrimp, and a salad. So Chasity finally comes home, " Hey Elizabeth " I'm thinking. " In a sudden pause " wait a minute why are you in a swimming suit ? Cause I just tanned, and swam, and spend some time laying in the hammock! " Elizabeth answered back " " oh " Chasity mentions, " I have been wanting Red Lobster " Elizabeth replies back; " you read my mind " I always heard great minds think alike " Chasity replies back! " Also let's get our boyfriends to come over for supper and swim afterwards! "  Chasity say's! Girl, how do you do that ? Elizabeth asked! I don't know it just sounded like a great plan and I know the guy's love Red Lobster so why not have a double date. Elizabeth suggested; let's call them up and see and make sure they don't have plans and invite them to go ride with us there after we order the food and come back and have supper on the patio! So they both FaceTime their boyfriends and finally it was all set up. After they take a trip to Red Lobster and go back home and enjoy their food, they all go walking on the beach barefooted holding their shoes in their hands and holding hands with the other. Finally Elizabeth gives up for 20 minutes and suggested they go horse back riding, so they go to a near by ranch which their dad owns and ride for an hour at night right when the sun goes down because it's more romantic. This is the day Elizabeth and Chasity had hoped that would make a great time to spend the most gorgeous hour of the day with the guy's, where everything feels so good and relaxing. After the sun finally goes down, they take the horses back and walk to the house and by that time, Elizabeth and her boyfriend and Chasity and her boyfriend stays to watch movies and eat popcorn and they order some pizza before time for their parents to get home. After 2 hours of the movie and an extra 30 minutes playing Pictionary the boys head out and the girls walk them out and gives them a kiss goodnight! And hopes the day ahead is even better.. By 11:30 they are tucked into bed and their parents come home to see everything straightened up and cleaned up, and find them safely tucked in bed, and goes to their room and start to read before they fall asleep. By that time! They are all asleep and both Elizabeth and Chasity had the same dream about that day they spent with the guy's!! Oh what sweet dreams! Both of their parents head to their rooms and kiss them on the head and heads back to their bedroom bathroom and brush their teeth and was back to bed!

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