A day to Relax!

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So now it is 12:00 is the afternoon and can I just say, while my mom and dad are out to work and my sister Chasity just left with her boyfriend to head to his sister's house for a pool party, now I have alone time! I made my own private beach in the back yard and take my yoga mat and do some afternoon yoga while looking at the scenery and the weather was very relaxing! So after my afternoon yoga, I just sit there and listen to the sounds of the oceans and the seagels it's always amazing to listen to, and watching the palm trees dancing in the wind, it's very satisfying, you learn how to feel the ambience of this gorgeous place. I love it! Especially when you take the time of to soak In the goodness of it all and of the taste of the sparkling sea glass water, fall in the air, conditioning in the ocean and it will always have a great taste of sea salt in the air; as it gets better with feeling of the waves pushing it's tides to the edge of the land of sand. " Hey " I hear from the distance laying in the hammock, I rise up and there stands my Friend Leslie Standing behind me " hey can I sit with ya ? " Sure I replied back.. " Girl you missed a great big night last night, She said! my sister stopped by and took me to a fashion show where she's modeling for The cover of vogue! " huh, that sounds great, sorry: but, you know what my nightly routines are like here lately! " Yes I know! Leslie said; last night was your bible study night I heard it was great!! So, by the time I try to change the subject her mom pulls up and blows the horn! Leslie it's time to go! " her mom say's " Today mom's taking me shopping for a long day at the tanger outlets, she's trying to buy my affection! I had no other choice: And you just came here to throw it in my face, oh but wait before you go, tell your mom my mom say's she wants to thank her for the birthday party at the church last night! I couldn't help but to feel bad she didn't invite me to go shopping, but in a way I was glad she didn't, so I can just take my day just being alone and having some me time before everyone comes back home after a long days work, because After the pool party, Chasity has to work at the grocery store as a cashier til 4:00 So I head back into the house through the kitchen door with my yoga mat in my arms and head to my room and turn on some relaxing music while I take a bubble bath and read a book I bought at the library and turn on some candles to set the mood.. After the hot water starts to turn cold I get out and grab my shower robe and start to cleanse my face and put on a mud mask and while I wait for my mask to harden I go to the kitchen and grab me some fresh cut papaya, and a fresh passion fruit and head to my room afterwards and peel the mask off and rinse my face off and sit outside on my patio. I had forgotten I had a huge craving for a cup of tea and some water, so I head back to the kitchen and brew me up some tea and grab me a glass of water, so I head back to my room and enjoy my tea and hydrate with a glass of water and stay refreshed by drinking while I'm enjoying some fruits outside on my patio! The beach still so beautiful from here, you can still smell the ocean breeze from here! After 30 minutes, I now have the time to meditate, to center myself and find my happy place in the ambience, and relaxing!!!  Afterwards I listen to my favorite part of my favorite podcast just to listen to the woman's voice, because to me I find it relaxing and fun and I love it especially when you have a chance to listen to the music in the background! I don't see how this woman doesn't fall asleep to her own podcast, I'd definitely be able to sleep a good 45 minutes to an hour just to get some sleep in and wake up refreshed in my spirit! Spiritually I meditate on god's word after I get a good day's sleep and read my bible, i go to my mirror and talk to god about my day and pray that in the ways of my heart, mind, body, and soul. To make peace with god and make sure to keep him in my heart and tell him that I love him, because he is my god and I wanna thank him for his mercy and grace and for teaching me how much he has proven to me that I can never stay too content without control over my life, that I can imagine how much he'll be able to fix any situation that I may be going through! Just to show me what a merciful god I serve and how life is better because like song says, because he lives I can face tomorrow!! I know I can face tomorrow because I have a god that lives inside of me! By 3:30 I start to make dinner, so I make Chicken and rice, and green beans, with mashed potatoes with chicken broth in it because the taste of the broth makes it even more delicious by 4:45 dinner is ready and my mom and dad gets home, by 5:00 Chasity is home and we all sit at the dinner table and eat this delicious food after prayer! Finally my sister helps me with the dishes and the nightly routine starts over again when my boyfriend shows up at the door!

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