The Burden before Christmas

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Chapter Twelve

     The Burden before Christmas

Edith’s POV

I had thought for a week about going to America with Freda and Michael and I had finally come to my conclusion. We were all sat in the parlour, biscuits and tea for everyone like usual and I was shaking from head to toe, scared of what they would say. “Freda, Michael, I do not think that I could go to America with you.” I muttered all my concentration on my cup of tea than their expressions.

A warm hand was placed on my shoulder that I recognised as Freda’s and looked up towards her face, small tears escaping my eyes. I wiped them away when I saw that she was crying as well, so I brought her into my embrace and mumbled how sorry I was about my decision.

Once she pulled away, she gave me a small smile, showing she was just as embarrassed as I was. “I am truly sorry. I just do not want to be away from my birth mother. She could be in Market tomorrow and I would have missed her because I would be sailing to America.” I told them, being as honest as I could.

She nodded her head, after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. “I – We understand Edith. Do not worry. We just did not want to leave you out.” She explained and I nodded to showed I understood that she cared about me, which I have known since she took me in.

“Edith.” Michael spoke. “Because you are not coming to America with us, we discussed if this was the outcome that Freda and I would like to give you this house. We both understand that we have not been in each other’s company that long, but we want you to be happy, whether you are with us or not and keeping you out of the horrid orphanage and off the streets is about as best as we can do. Freda has left a piece of paper on the kitchen counter that should explain how to upkeep this house. We have asked Mrs Green next door if she will help you if you do indeed get lost and she has agreed kindly to do so.” He explained and I got up and gave him a hug and peck on the cheek in thanks and gave Freda the same.

“Thank you for everything. I believe I do not deserve your kindness, so thank you again for everything.” I replied.

Michael stood up, stretching his legs and arms. “I am going to get an early night for tomorrow.” He told us both, before exiting the room.

Freda still sat there and once she heard their bedroom door shut, she turned towards me, concern covering her face. “Edith, is there any other reason as to why you are not coming with us?” She asked quietly and my mind went straight to William.

I nodded my head; she did not deserve to be lied to. “William. He is such a kind, nice man and although I know that I have no chance with him, he is a nice friend and I do not feel like abandoning him.” I told her. I do not think that she knows about his part in helping me get away from Lord Darlington’s house. I owe everything to him nearly and I do not want him to feel like I took him for granted.

She gave me a sad smile. “Edith, although I do want you and William to find happiness-“ my cheeks flushed with embarrassment at William and I being together “-but he is going to marry Charlotte Darlington in the New Year and although he may want different, his parents do not and William is a respectable young man, who will not do his mother and father wrong and cause them any embarrassment.” She pre-warned me and I felt like giving up. I knew that William and I had not a single chance, but when somebody else told me, it felt a lot worse and a lot more real, which was not a nice feeling.

I nodded my head. “Thank you, I will see you in the morning.” I smiled before exiting to my room.

The next morning, the atmosphere around the house was heavy. Freda and Michael were leaving for America today and I would officially be on my own in the world, at fourteen years old. Most girls my age or in service, not running their own house.

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