The Perfect Place

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Chapter Twenty-Four

       The Perfect Place

William's POV

    I got the chauffeur to drive me into town, seeing as he knew more about the whole town than what I did. "Thank you Thomas." I told him as I stood outside the building that Terence had asked me to meet him outside of.

   As I glanced at the building, I realised it was pub of sorts. Being in America, I did not know what they called a pub nor if they actually had any, it just looked like one from the outside. Terence wandered over to me after getting out of his own car and smiled. "William, it is great to see you." He greeted and I smiled in acknowledgement.

   "Likewise Mr Brooks." I replied and shaking his hand. "Shall we get down to business? I have a heavily pregnant wife at home and I would like to take care of her." I told him and he nodded his head.

      It felt weird telling people that Edith was my wife when she was not yet. But we had both decided to have a low key affair after the child is born and tell everybody in the town that we are already married so that we do not get judged before we even arrived. It was already apparent that being pregnant in America was not something to be ashamed of as much as in England where the woman practically had to stay indoors so that the family is not brought to shame. Everything in America is more relaxed and I believe Edith is already starting to feel more at home now than she ever had in England.

   "Of course, would you like to take my car to the building?" He asked and I nodded my head. 

      The drive up to the building, that was a good ten minutes, was spent talking about what the building was like and from what Terence told me, it sounded more than perfect. 

      I stepped out of the car and looked towards the building for the first time. It was on three floors and had slim turrets on the four corners. It was obviously fairly old. There were vines crawling around the whole thing and it was not too big that the students would spend fifteen minutes going from one classroom to the other. "The building has about twenty-five rooms and they are all quite large. Plus it has three bathrooms." Terence told me and I smiled.

   "This really is the perfect place, it is not too far away from the centre and is large enough to hold students, I cannot wait for everything to fit into place." I gushed and he smiled further. "Just tell me everything I need to do and I will do it today."

   "Right, well you need to sign a lease at the town hall and pay a payment on $1,000 and you should be all set." He replied and I smiled.

      "I am so happy for this to be working, it has been a dream of my wife's and mine for a few months now." I told him. 

      "Well the building has been derelict for a while now and nobody has dared go near a building that need so much interior work doing, so when we heard about what you planned, you can tell that the council was excited for what you had planned, so much so, that they reduced the price by $2,500." He told me and I nodded my head.

   "It feels good to be doing something worthwhile, my life in England was not exactly the best." I admitted and he gave me a sympathetic smile. "So, should we get to the town hall then?" I spoke up to avoid the awkwardness that had settled in and he nodded his head before we got into the car and drove off to sign whatever needed signing.

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