Let's Fighting Love

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We all hit the ground running. In the distance there were disgusting, muddy blobs which seemed to resemble vaguely spherical buildings. I could see Cthulhu chained admist the biggest block of them. A grey glob, which appeared to be living smoke loomed over the buildings. The first thing of notice, however, were a collection of six monstrosities, glaring at us like they'd been waiting for our arrival. Looming like an ugly wall blocking our path.

"Shit, we're late!" yelled Mysterion, reverting to ghost form and zooming over to the glob.

"Mysterion!" yelled Chaos, using lightening to dart after him.

The rest of us were left to face the monsters before us. Call Girl and I had researched each of them, and decided which teams would best fit each of Cthulhu's children. Thankfully, our research appeared to have been accurate, seems the cults had a pretty good knowledge of their so-called Gods. However, the drawings they'd done did not do them justice.

Without a word, Toolshed wrapped his tape around my waist and I flew the two of us towards the only monster who was flying: Cthylla.


I sighed contentedly as my future husband flew me over to the thing we were fighting. I'm not sure the word monster describes the beast in front of us. The first word I would use is mistake. The mistake was essentially a cross between a human and a frog, with a mane and beard made of tentacles, and one enormous eye in the centre of its head. I sighed. I don't get paid enough for this shit. Scratch that, I'm not even getting fucking paid. This is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday.

"What's the plan again?" I asked Wonder Tweek, I hadn't been listening when he'd been explaining it, but that's not my fault, his eyes are just too easy to get lost in.

"Y-You seriously don't know the fucking plan?! Oh God, we are so gonna die!" Wonder Tweek took a couple moments to calm his panicked breathing. "H-He's an amphibian, a--a-and they need to be kept constantly m-moist. S-So I'm going to burn patches, and you're g-going to punch the burnt patches. O-Oh God, I can't fucking deal with this man! We're s-so screwed. Earth's screwed. Everyone's fucking screwed!" yelled Wonder Tweek, our flight path was starting go a little haywire as Wonder Tweek's panic increased.

"Hey, babe, calm down. We got this," I said confidently.

"B-Babe?" repeated Wonder Tweek, his voice about an octave higher than usual, I smirked to myself. I had successfully calmed my prince down by flustering him. Whatever keeps us alive I guess. 

Once we got close enough to the beast, with a scream of anxious rage, Wonder Tweek shot fire at the beast, and threw me into the flames, using my forcefield as protection, I hit the tender flesh with all my might. The thing screamed in rage. My perfect prince continued to hit the beast with fire and lightening attacks. I ran dutifully to the damaged areas and broke and scared the skin, while jumping and dodging over tentacles. 

It was exhausting. Soon, I was so exhausted that I couldn't even jump away to dodge a tentacle headed straight for me. It hit me straight in the stomach. I was thrown away a couple metres. I lay on the beast's skin, winded. It was at this point that I heard a blood curdling scream. Fire rained down from the sky in a storm of righteous fury and over the meteor shower, the booming words, "Don't. Touch. My. Super Craig!" echoed through the sky. Disorientated, I felt myself getting swooped up into the sky, arms wrapped around me tightly. "A-Are you okay?!" Wonder Tweek asked frantically, tears dotting his eyes.

"I am now," I said, and Wonder Tweek laughed weakly as tears drizzled down his face.

"I-I thought I'd lost you for a second," he said quietly.

"It'd take a lot more than that thing to keep me away from you," I stated.

Wonder Tweek grinned at me, looked lovingly into my eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss my lips. As I kissed back, weirdly, I felt my clothes disappear, and as I held Wonder Tweek's hands gently in my own, a massive rainbow erupted from the sky, hitting the monster straight in the face. As it fell to the ground, someone was singing the words, 'let's fighting love' and cherry blossoms fell from the sky all around us, some landing in Wonder Tweek's hair. I took a moment to stare into his eyes, but it was at that moment I realised that when our clothes had disappeared (except our underwear) our masks had disappeared too.

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