Third Wheeling

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"Kyle, come on, please?" begged Marjorine.

"No! I'm sorry Marge, but no!" I repeated, frustrated with this argument which seemed to just be running around in pointless circles.

"Oh come on, Kyle, please?" she repeats, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No! I am not third wheeling with you and Kenny on your first date!"

"It's not a date!" she yells back.

"Oh please, the two of you have been flirting for weeks, hell, ever since he got here! He invited you to the movies!" I shouted back, very close to literally punching some sense into her. 

"Kyle, please! I'm so nervous! I've never been on a date before and I really want it to go well! I need you there to stop it getting awkward!"

I sighed, about to groan with frustration. I didn't even think this date was a good idea because Marjorine still hadn't explained her gender identity to Kenny. "You seriously think I'm going to decrease the awkwardness levels?"

"Yes! Invite Stan along if you're so worried! I just don't want to be all alone with him!"

"Invite Stan?! Are you insane?! It will seem like a double date!"

"Well, that's okay, it's not like you like Stan or anything." I didn't respond. I just turned red. "Oh, you do like Stan! Well, in that case, you have to invite him!"

"No, Marjorine, this is not happening, no way, no."


"Hello Barbie doll. Hiya Kyle. Hey Stan," greeted Kenny, as he walked into the mall. He fived Stan and put an arm around Marjorine. I almost let out a sigh of relief. The three of us had been awkwardly waiting for him in silence.

"Barbie?" I questioned.

"Well, since he's Ken, he said I had to be Barbie," said Marjorine cutely. Kenny smiled and kissed her forehead. I am so confused as to how exactly they aren't official. They make zero per cent sense to me.

The four of us walked in square formation with Kenny and Marjorine being very lovey-dovey right in front of us. The awkwardness between Stan and I was so real I was honestly surprised it wasn't a visible cloud around us. 

Once we'd ordered food and drink and had entered the cinema, things didn't really get much better.

"Dude, is this meant to be a double date?" whispered Stan when we were comfortably sat in the movie theatre.

"What?! No!" I hissed back, glad the darkness of the room was somewhat hiding my blush. Still, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. This really was pretty much a double date, what with Marjorine smiling sweetly at Kenny and leaning gently on his shoulder, and Stan and I sharing a bucket of popcorn, with our hands constantly bumping into one another.

Stan breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew, I was a little worried about this whole situation," he laughed for a couple seconds. "I was worried you liked me for a second there." I laughed along awkwardly, trying not to tear up.

"Yeah, how crazy would that be," I said quietly.

"Don't get me wrong dude, you're great, but I have my eye set on someone else."

I tried to keep a straight face as Stan spoke. "Oh yeah, who?" I asked, continuing the conversation only so that Stan wouldn't start thinking something was up.

Stan started speaking a little quieter. "Well, it's just a stupid crush, well, maybe more than a crush, but, it is stupid; they're this celebrity, totally out of my league." Thankfully, at this point, the adverts started playing and I was spared having to continue that horrible conversation. I really didn't want to know which celebrity Stan thought was better than me.

The Fractured Love Square (Stan x Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now