Dark Past

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Hey guys~ A quick foreword: this video has nothing to do with this chapter, but if you watch YouTube regularly, or if you love tumblr, twitter, facebook, reddit, pintrest, or memes (heck, even fanfic might get affected) then CHECK THIS VID OUT! Because Article 13 is putting them all in DANGER! God damnit EU, almost makes me wanna Brexit. Emphasis on the ALMOST. Also, MatPat is a delight, and I promsie the vid is both interesting, easily understandable and entertaining.


Our 'training montage' as Toolshed referred to it, was not going smoothly; in fact, it really had more of a sandpapery texture than anything else. The whole session was thrown off merely by the presence of Mysterion and Chaos being forced into the same location. No one would explain the situation to me or the other Coon and friends, but it was clear to anyone – apart from maybe Clyde – that tensions were high between the two of them. 

The month we had had for training was almost up, and training seemed to either yield no results, or we'd improve at a frustratingly slow pace, increasing our feelings of hopelessness. I'm sure we were all wondering how any of it would ever be enough. Add to all that the fact that we're probably all going to die soon, and the sandpapery texture of the session is not at all surprising.

"Everyone's a little down, huh?" commented Toolshed as I blasted laser after laser at his drills, trying in vain to create a more powerful beam.

"Well, can you blame them?"

"Well... not really, but we may as well try and enjoy our limited time, right?" he replied, with a smirk.

Despite everything, I managed to smile back, "I guess you're right," I said, just as I found the perfect angle. The beam's size rocketed and the two of us grinned at each other and exchanged high fives.

As we smiled at each other, a charged awkward silence slowly grew over the two of us; something unspoken was dancing between us. Before the situation could increase to a level of awkwardness I was not equipped to handle, I quickly asked, "Toolshed, can I, can I talk to you about something?" I asked, sounding quieter than I had originally intended.

Toolshed gave me a concerned look, "Of course Cloud, you can tell me anything." I smiled as I noticed him cringing at his own words.

"Well... my team want me to explain to you and the other Freedom Pals the extent of Cthulhu's powers... but, it's quite a personal, and, well... painful story. So, I thought I might start by telling you? And, then, maybe... you could tell the others for me?" I said, trailing off, feeling a little silly.

"Okay," he replied sounding a little confused but supportive none the less.

"So, um..." I trailed off laughing, and trying to fight off tears, as I braced myself to start talking about a topic I usually keep tight under lock and key, "I don't really know where to start."

"How about at the beginning? That's a very good place to start."

I shoved him to the side but giggled none the less. "Don't quote the sound of music at me!" Toolshed chuckled in response. "I guess, the start is that I'm not technically human."

"Technically?" asked a very shocked Toolshed. I sighed, this is going to take a long time to explain.

"Try not to interrupt, because I'm going to sound crazy no matter when you stop me." Toolshed gave me an affirmative nod. "So, I grew up on the planet Anemoi. It was a beautiful place with a beautiful people," I sighed wistfully, "We didn't have genders, races or sexualities. We were a happy people who lived flying around on our kites. We were a light folk, and our clouds had different structures to yours, so they were perfectly habitable. The ground below us, however, was not. It was too hot and acidic, but it gave off beautiful colours, and a gentle warmth, so we were all very happy up in the sky.

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