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I was at home, absentmindedly watching Jacksepticeye, when Mysterion called me on my watch. "Toolshed! Toolshed, come in!" he yelled urgently, as usual, when I picked up.

"What is it?" I asked, half annoyed at being disturbed from my potato like state.

"Karen's missing!" he said frantically, completely distressed. He was so worked up that he was almost losing his fake voice and slipping into Kenny's.

"Oh my God! Dude, do you need me to come help find her?" I asked worriedly.

"No, I think I should be okay alone. I know where to look. But can you go ask Kyle to hack into the government's database and find any information relating to Cthulhu? Please!"

"Yeah, dude, of course, anything," I replied immediately. Usually, I would decline, as the Doctor specifically told Kenny to drop the whole Cthulhu thing, but Karen is missing, and I need to help out my friend in whatever way I can.

"Thank you!" he said gratefully. "You need to tell them to search for files relating to 'The Great Old Ones.'"

"Got it," I sighed when Kenny pressed end call. I'm not sure how healthy this obsession is.


I was lying on my bed scrolling through some memes when I felt a draft. Huh, I guess Mysterion has come through the window again.

"Hey, Mysteri- Toolshed?!" I finished, completely flabbergasted.

"That's my name gingerbread. You could say you nailed it," he said, flashing me a smile. I tried to glare at him, but I couldn't help a smile creeping onto my face. I forced it away. What does this asshole what? I can't believe Mysterion told him where I live.

Wait, did he seriously just call me gingerbread? "Gingerbread?" I asked weakly.

"Yeah, you're small, cute, sweet, and ginger." I just stared at him in silence. Unsure whether I should wait to spontaneously combust from embarrassment, or cover myself with my duvet and hope he just disappears.

After a couple seconds, however, I regained the ability to speak. "What are you doing here?" I asked, harshly. His smile fell, and I realised that I was being a bit of an asshole. Kite is his sworn enemy. We're on opposite teams. But he doesn't know me. It would be rude and give a bad impression if I was just an asshole to him. Even if he's an asshole to me when I'm Kite. "I mean, what's up?" I asked, trying again.

"The Freedom Pals, well actually Mysterion, need your help. There's some disturbance going on, but we don't know the full picture, and we need you to hack into some government files relating to the 'Great Old Ones.'"

"Alright, it'll probably take me days to get anywhere," I told him.

"Got it," he said, lying down next to me to watch me hack. I raised an eyebrow at him, but, apparently, he wasn't going to budge.

As I typed and drank hot cocoa, Toolshed was being so nice, although, he was still making awful puns. I didn't know whether to be suspicious or confused. I mean, in order to get me to cooperate of course he has to be nice. But he seems like a genuine person. Not the asshole I know on the field. He seems to despise almost the Human Kite in a way that just isn't justified. And I know we're on opposite sides, but I'm starting to get a little weirded out. Even when I am Kite, he always kind of seems to want to be friends, but then stops himself for some reason.

"Can I ask a question?" I said hesitantly.

"Depends what it is," he answered as he fiddled with a screwdriver.

"Why do Freedom Pals hate Coon and Friends so much?" I asked, curious now. They started Civil War one. The pretext was it was about territory. Only room for one hero group in New South Park. That kind of thing. But I did feel some deep-seated anger against us at the time.

"It's not public knowledge. But, I guess since you're our ally, there isn't much harm in telling you." I had to suppress a smirk. I knew keeping quiet about my communication with the Freedom Pals from my team would come in handy one day. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious. I've never really got why you guys don't like them," I replied casually.

Toolshed took a deep breath, and then let out a deep sigh. "When we'd just started out as a group, we were ambushed by Professor Chaos. His minions beat us up pretty badly. But afterwards, the guy apologised. He said he'd been paid to do it by the Coon and Friends. A message that we weren't welcome. I don't think I would have cared that much, but they deliberately attacked Dr Timothy the worst. They broke his nose. That was the Human Kite's idea. And that I couldn't forgive. I was so angry. Especially at Kite. I used to look up to the guy. They were always so preachy about justice, yet it was all a front. Pure vanity," he finished, practically seething at this point. "Dr Timothy told us not to retaliate. He said it was just what the Coon and Friends wanted. To know they'd hurt us. However, Mysterion was so angry that he led the first attack against them, without the Doctor, but he was still kind of trying to follow the Doctor's orders, so he didn't explain why we were doing that."

"What?!" I said. Completely confused. The confusion, however, quickly turned into a deep-seated rage directly at a certain fat racoon. "Dude! I have to tell Coon and Friends!"

"You know those bastards?"

"Vaguely," I replied, lying quickly. "Super Craig's great with computers, but they still need some help from me sometimes. I also control the school newspaper, and they trust me for publicity."

"Dude, Call Girl was right. You are not to be trusted."

"When have I ever betrayed your trust before?"

"Um, right now?"

"I wouldn't do this unless it was absolutely necessary," I said, trying to convince Toolshed I was a good guy. "When you needed that murderer tracked down, did I tip off the Coon and Friends before you guys? What about that corrupt government official? Did I let them steal your glory then? Or the Italian gang. I never so much as mentioned a word of that to the Coon and Friends."

"Wait, why didn't you?" asked Toolshed, sounding genuinely confused at this point.

"I guess, I just didn't want to let you guys down. You put your trust in me." To be honest, I didn't have a clear answer to that question. It was partly because I thought if I gained their trust they might reveal something important. But I suppose the main reason was when you have Mysterion staring at you, you want to help him in any way possible. The guy is so intense. He's the pure essence of justice itself. I mean, he picked me. He could have picked anyone. I couldn't just let him down. There's also the smaller issue that when he first came to see me, he caught me singing and dancing to Kpop, and when I say singing and dancing, I mean I was making the sound of a cat run being over by a lawnmower while making the movements a fish does on dry land. Let's just say, at that point, I was willing to do anything to gain some resemblance of respect back. "Dude, please just trust me. Most of the members of Coon and Friends do not know about the attack." Toolshed looked at me confused. "It will have been the Coon that masterminded the whole thing."

"Fine. You can tell them. But I'm pretty sure those fuckers know already. You'll be crying on deaf ears," he said bitterly. I thanked him as he climbed out my window, and jumped into the night.


Hey guys~ Just to let you know, updates will be pretty awful from here on out. Next week, from Monday to Friday, I'm off camping, and I'll have no wifi. Also, if you never hear from me again, I've probably been killed by a cow.

Anyways, comments and votes appreciated, and have an awesome day guys~

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