Impending Doom

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"Finally!" I said, groaning in annoyance. "Just exactly how terrible are you? As guards you have one job – keep intruders out of this place – but Cloud and I have been here how long?" I said, looking at Kite for the answer, but they still seemed frozen in shock. "At least an hour. And have a single one of you confronted us until now? No! In fact, I bet you just accidentally came upon us now." The guards looked among one another, guiltily. Although, some of them still looked a little confused and sceptical. "We were sent by Dr Timothy and the Coon. We've been making rounds of what are supposedly 'secure' buildings," I said, making air quotes. "And quite frankly, you guys have epically failed. I'm going to need to take your names and report you all to the higher levels. I'm afraid it's quite possible you'll all be fired," I said, gravely. The guards stared at me in silence for a minute. There's no way they bought that. Kite and I are totally screwed. 

Suddenly, one of the guards collapsed to his knees and held his hands together in a beg. "Toolshed, please reconsider! This is the only job I have. Without it, my family and I are done for. It's so hard to get a new one at the moment, what with the state the city is in. Please, I have two children and-"

"You have no right to do that!" yelled another guard. "You're preaching justice yet here you are ripping jobs off good people. We're trying our best here – following the orders we've been given. It's not our fault if what we've been told to do isn't working properly. I work my ass off day and night and this is the thanks I get? Being lectured by a pair of no good, middle-class teens who don't know the first thing about-"

The first guard cut him off, "Don't listen to him! Just please let me keep my-" I held a hand up – silencing him.

"Alright, alright. You both make good points, but I need to do my job here. So, what's going to happen here is we're going to come back sometime soon and try to break in again. If the system is broken, then the bunch of you better fix it yourselves!" The guards looked like they had several issues with that order, but I didn't really care. "Good day to you all. We'll be seeing you shortly." Kite gave them a quick nod, and the two of us resisted the temptation to run to freedom as the guards yelled their thanks after us.

Once we decided we were a safe distance away, the two of us collapsed in an abandoned car park. I don't know which of us was the first one to start laughing, but now we were both in full on hysterics.

"Oh my God, Toolshed, that was amazing."

"Yeah, I think it's safe to say I nailed that. I did think we were screwed for quite a while there though."

"You never come up with any new drills, do you?"

"Hey! I'm trying my best here Cloud- Did you just make a pun?" I asked, in shock.

"A terrible one, but yeah." I grinned over at him. "I seriously thought we were done for back there. Thanks for all your help."

"No, I should thank you for helping us out. Well, Mysterion out. But if you really wanna show your thanks, you could let me walk you home."

Kite gave me a suspicious glare. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you walk me to the neighbourhood." I was so happy I could have fist bumped the air.

Kite and I eventually stopped at a lamppost near an area downtown. "Well, this is me, or, kind of me anyway."

I gave them a small smile, the air around us seemed almost charged with unspoken electricity. Although I guess it was only me who could feel it.

I let my measuring tape effortlessly climb around the lamppost. "I guess so. See you around Kite!" I yelled as I started spidermanning away out of the inner-city area. I looked back, just once, and one of the measurements out there must love me because, at the same time, a couple blocks away from the lamppost, Kite was looking back too. I grinned to myself as I continued my journey away. Whoever Kite's got their mind set on, they're luckier than they could possibly ever imagine.


I was in an assembly, bored completely out of my mind. The clock on the wall was ticking so slowly I could swear there was something wrong with it. A tiny goth kid was just starting his speech, he was representing the cult of Cthulhu club which had recently been started by Kenny. He was so emotionless. It was going to drive me completely insane. I glared over at Kenny. He had started this club in order to try and gain more intel for the Cthulhu situation. But now his obsession was subjecting me to this bullcrap? Nu uh, no. The two of us were having words after this assembly.

He started talking (if you could really call it talking) about some great old one. It was literally the weirdest, most boring shit I've ever heard. But then, when he put up a powerpoint and started showing pictures of various grotesque monsters. Kyle started shaking beside me, muttering the word 'no' repeatedly under their breath.

"Kyle? You okay dude?" I asked, putting a hand on their shoulder in concern.

"Cthulhu will rise again. And we will all receive the death and pain we deserve! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." What is wrong with this kid?! Kyle started screaming beside me. I grabbed their shoulders in alarm and tried to shake them out of it. It wasn't working though, as if Kyle couldn't see or hear me. They then fainted into my arms. Craig and Scott then grabbed them off me and started carrying them away.

"Nothing to see here assholes!" yelled Cartman at everyone, who was staring at the scene in shock. Clyde and Jimmy ran after them.

When assembly finished, I dashed off in the direction the boys had headed off with Kyle. I eventually found them in an empty classroom. I stood awkwardly in the doorway.

Kyle was hugging their knees, shaking. Craig was comfortingly patting their shoulder. Scott was sitting in front of them, looking concerned. Clyde was crying, and Jimmy was standing a fair distance away from Kyle, giving them some space, while Cartman paced the room, muttering to himself.

As I stood in the doorway I only caught the end of what Kyle was saying, "Those pictures. It's them. It was them. It's going to happen again!"

"Don't worry about it Kyle. They're just pictures. They're not coming to hurt us," said Craig, firmly.

"It's the same stuff that's been all over the news! And all the talk about monsters lately? We're all doomed!"

"Hey, um, Kyle, are you okay?" I asked from the doorway, revealing my position as I didn't want to eavesdrop any longer. This conversation seemed pretty private.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for catching me back there," said Kyle, their cheeks painted red.

"No problem dude. Sorry for interrupting..."

"No, it's okay Stan. I'm fine now," they said, standing up and walking over to me. The other boys looked at Kyle uncertainly. They waved them off and walked off with me.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, but I can't explain why I reacted in the way I did back there."

"Dude, that's totally cool," I said, even though I felt a little hurt. Their other friends clearly knew what was up with them. "You haven't known me that long."

"No, that's not it. I want to tell you, but I can't. You wouldn't understand. You'd think I was crazy." Kyle looked genuinely quite upset as they said this.

"Dude, try me. I've seen some pretty weird shit."

Kyle gave me an uncertain look. They took in a deep breath as if they were about to reveal something but then they stopped themselves. "No, I'm sorry. I can't."

"Hey, as I said, that's fine." I smiled at them. They wanted to tell me, and that was enough.


Hey guys... guess who's back after a hiatus of almost three months? (bad author, v bad author). I'm sorry, at first, the hiatus was due to Hunter X Hunter - go watch the show (2011 version) and tell me that Killua is not your new child, and also that Gon is Butters but better! But then it was laziness and just stress that kept me away. I am now, however, going to try and finish this book! But bear with me.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" means "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." - It's from Wikipedia, so I don't know how much you want to trust that source.

Anyways, comments make my day, so please leave one if you want to, and have an awesome day guys~

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