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I watch, enchanted, as Marjorine whirls and twirls circles around me. Her flowing, pale blue dress is fluttering around with her, and I honestly feel hypnotised. I half wonder how I've gotten myself into this mess. I was only trying to get into her pants. But now, I think this might be like what it's like to be in love, maybe am I in love. If love is an inexplicable feeling of elation around someone who looks more beautiful to you than anyone else in the world, then I think it might have hit me.

A lot of the time, I'm really quite a quiet person. I like to keep myself to myself. The world's made up of quite a lot of bullshit, so I only like to comment when I feel like I'm not adding to that. My mentality has always been one of me against the world. Even now that I'm part of the Freedom Pals I sometimes find myself longing for the days when it was just me against the city. No Freedom Pals and no Coon and Friends. Just me. Especially now that my fucking team isn't taking me seriously. God, it pisses me off right down to the fucking bone.

I've never particularly had anyone to look up to, what with two deadbeat parents and an older brother who cares for nobody but himself. I've often felt alone. Sure, I've always had Stan and Karen, but I've never really felt like they understand me, and sometimes I like to be away from them. Away from everyone. I've always loved solitude.

Until now that is.

Suddenly, there's this girl I want to open up to. That I want to tell all the problems I never wanted to burden anyone else with before because she understands me. She's got the same shitty parents and the same constant feeling of isolation, even amongst friends.

As I watch her spin around and around and around, giggling and smiling all the while, it becomes more and more apparent that she's a hurricane that has barreled into my life and shaken everything up. She feels like she represents change. Good change. The bright light in this seriously fucked up world. She's someone to trust. She's someone for me. She's someone that I can finally be myself around. She's everything.

"Ken! Why are you standing there with that brooding smile on your face?" she asks me. "Come on, join me!" she exclaims. We chase and glide; dance and prance all around the room. Laughing, throwing drinks at one another. I barely notice Bebe and Wendy doing an erotic tango in one corner, or Tweek and Craig singing karaoke in another. All I can see is her. Her curled long blonde hair and her flowing pale blue dress. I think this finally marks a change in the seemingly never-ending cycle of my poor, shitty life.


Giggling, and probably slightly delirious, I dragged Craig over to the karaoke machine. I love being drunk as my anxiety just seems to be washed away with every sip of liquid confidence I consume. I grin as I glug down more of the liquid that burns my throat in the best way possible, then cathartically throw away the empty plastic cup.

Craig was also an absolutely hilarious mess drunk. "Tweek! You're gonna sing this song with me," said Craig with a posture akin to the tower of Pisa, looking equally as about to fall over.

"Wannabe?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Craig's song choice. "Craig, are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked, giggling as I spoke.

"Yeah! It's what I wanna sing Tweekers," he said crossing his arms and stomping his foot down cutely.

"Alright, but someone has to film this," I decided.

"I'm already on it," said Clyde creepily from just behind us.

Token, as he laughed at us, threw over two microphones and gave me a wink before meandering back to Nichole.

I determinedly poked play and smiled over at Craig as the words appeared on the screen and the room spun around us.

I took in a deep breath and shouted, "Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,"

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want," replied Craig, with a hand placed sassily on one hip. 

I beamed as we got into the swing of things. After some very badly read lyrics, we arrived at the song's chorus:

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta with my-"

"Gotta get with my friends!" sang Craig, pretty out of it and dancing dramatically. He then motioned over to Clyde and Jimmy as he belted, "Friendship never ends!" The alcohol was not helping the quality of his singing.

I smirked over at Craig as I sang, "If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give,"

"Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is," replied Craig, trying and failing to give me 'I want you eyes' as he sang.

Eventually, after much terrible singing, the song began reaching its end. The instrumental was grinding to a halt as Craig shoved me against a wall and started smashing his lips against mine, pausing only to mouth along to the final words, 'if you wanna be my lover'. I restarted the kiss and smiled into his lips. My heart may belong to Super Craig, but it's not like I'm committed to him currently. Right now, I'm exactly where I wanna be.


I smiled over at Tweek and Craig, who were making out pretty heatedly against a wall, but I was quickly distracted by my own hypnotic noirette. The instrumental to Shakira's Te Aviso, Te Anuncio had started playing, and Wendy, with a sexy smirk, was beckoning for me to join her in our very own tango.

Flipping my blonde hair over one shoulder in time to the beat, with my blood red dress flying after me, I joined her in a fiery, passionate exchange of cat and mouse except the roles kept changing. Her dark purple dress seemed to flow into mine; the two appearing as flames licking at one another as we threw ourselves into spins and quick steps. Our arms and fingers would snake around one another. I'd extend my arms gracefully as she pulled me around the room. I'd spin her round; she'd spin me round. The two of us gripping each other's waists, never sure who was in charge, noses brushing up against each other.

"I'm falling apart in your hands again~" sang the jukebox as I fell back into Wendy's strong arms, just as she was leaning in for the kiss. However, the song continued, "No way, I've got to get away!" I spun away from her, my dress flowering out around me. Wendy stalked after me. I smirked back at her, glad to feel the room's eyes on us.

"Get away!" sang Shakira, ending the song. Wendy and I ended in the classic tango pose: I was leaning back in Wendy's embrace, with a long, flexible leg extended outwards. Wendy pressed her lips against mine and I grinned into the kiss. Beat that Tweek and Craig. We're going to be the talk of the school come Monday.


Hey guys~ Sorry for the slow updates - I was away camping - but I'm officially back in civilisation, so updates should be back to normal :) 

Also, this chapter has no Style in it and that's some kind of an achievement for me - hopefully, you still enjoyed it.

Anyways, have an awesome day guys~

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