High Places

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"Well, we could both attack from the sky, if you used your tape on me, or if I wrapped my Kite tail around you?" I suggested.

"Someone's interested in getting up close. Sounds good to me," he said with a wink, and I glared at him again, as tape wrapped around me. 

From the sky, we could obliterate the ground as a pair while I flew around, and Toolshed barked directions at me. It worked well, and it was quite elating to share the joy of flight with someone; Toolshed seemed pretty thrilled by the experience. We also went over me covering Toolshed and myself with the Kite as a shield, so that we could attack safely on the ground. Although we did have a slight argument about who should be more shielded by the Kite; both of us opting for the other to get more protection.

"These are cool, but they aren't really a double attack," decided Toolshed.

"I've always wondered what would happen if I shot my laser eyes at your laser drill," I said, throwing that idea into the mix, not really expecting Toolshed to take it on.

"That could be pretty fucking awesome!" replied Toolshed. He dug his drill into the ground and a laser drill appeared near me. I shot my eyes at it, it bounced off it at a right angle, and a laser the size of a small tunnel blasted straight through a nearby abandoned building.

The rest of the heroes surrounded us to stare at the carnage.

"What the fuck did the two of you just do!" demanded Super Craig. That's pretty rich coming from him since I think I just saw a beacon of high energy come from him and Tweek looking like it was purely fuelled by the sheer power of gayness.

"I blasted my eyes at Toolshed's drill. I didn't think it would do that!" I said in amazement, staring at the destroyed, and thankfully abandoned, building. I was in awe. My lasers would never be that powerful on their own.

"That's pretty fucking sweet," contributed the Coon. Toolshed went in for a brofist, and I happily returned it.

The Freedom Pals were regrouping and about to head off, but Toolshed ran over to me one more time and offered me a watch. I took it off him and strapped it to my wrist. "These things are how we communicate. If you ever need us, or if we never need you, that should do the trick!" he said, as he ran off after his teammates.


Later that evening, I was walking home from the shops. Mom had sent me out to buy some groceries, as she had a meal that needed to be prepared this evening, but she was missing spinach and tomatoes.

I was on my way back home, daydreaming about something, when yellow tape wrapped around me. I felt like a cow caught in a lasso. I found myself being pulled upwards. I would have struggled, but I could recognise the pesky measuring tape from anywhere. My theory was confirmed, when I was placed down gently next to Toolshed.

"Good evening gingerbread," he said with a soft smile.

"If you had made me drop my groceries, I would have killed you. But you didn't, so I guess I have no real reason to be pissed at you, as long as you put me back down on the ground, right now," I demanded, Toolshed simply continued smiling in response. I realised I wasn't going anywhere soon, so I sighed, "Couldn't you just have walked up to me and asked to chat like a normal person?" I demanded. My cheeks were a little red, and I honestly had no idea why. I don't like this asshole; my heart is set on a certain Marsh.

He grinned at me. "But that wouldn't have been any fun now, would it? I just wanted to emphasise that you have friends in high places." I glared at him. "I wanted to thank you; I spotted you on the ground, and it's funny seeing you flustered." I glared harder, but Toolshed still didn't seem to notice. "The Coon and Friends apologised to us today! You were totally right! It was just the Coon who was the asshole. Although, to be honest, our boss is a bit of a sneaky bastard himself, as I also found out today. But he's still the best. You should have been there for the apology, Kite was so awkward," I was not! "Still, my faith in them is definitely restored, and I'm so, so happy they're the hero I always thought they were." His cheeks had gone a little red while he was talking, and he almost seemed to have stars in his eyes as he spoke. I wondered if it was the cold night air, or something else.

"Why out of all the Coon and Friends do you look up to him?" I asked, just being nosy at this point, but also knowing full well I was attempting to boost my own self-esteem, by essentially fishing for compliments, but I really didn't care.

"They just have a real sense of being genuine and fighting for justice. Plus, Ginge, they're so cool! They have fricken laser eyes, and they can fly and heal people! They're super awesome," he said dreamily. I was a little redder at this point, but very flattered. 

Toolshed looked very thoughtful as if debating something in his head. A lot quieter he said, "They saved me once." From the tone he was using, I decided this was not something I should press him on.

"Well, I think you're really cool," I said before I could stop myself. What am I doing? 

"You do Ginge?" he said, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, you're measuring tape is pretty cool," I refrained from saying the Bain of my existence. "And the drills that erupt out of the earth! The flying nail and screw bullets. The blowy tube thing and chisels and-" at this point, I realised that as I'd been awkwardly rambling like there was no tomorrow, Toolshed had been slowly edging closer towards me, like a predator slowly creeping up on its oblivious prey. I had to refrain from melting his face in panic.

"Sounds like someone's quite the fan," he said, grinning at me. I fought to hold eye contact as well as my urge to jump off the building, in terror, screaming.

"Maybe s-slightly," I said, glaring back, struggling to keep my heart from flying out of my body. I swear, a couple days ago I thought this guy was an asshole. What is wrong with me?! I tried to back away from him, but to no prevail.

Toolshed moved his lips closer, mere inches away from mine. Then, he grinned. "I'm just messing with you. My heart is elsewhere, and it seems like yours is too," he said with a wink. "Later Ginge." Before I could incinerate him, with the sharp sound of measuring tape around metal, Toolshed was gone. I stood, dumbfounded, on the roof, feeling very much like I do after an intense math lesson about differentiation. Namely, what the fuck just happened?! With that added math feeling of craving the sweet release of death.

I was brought back to reality by the thought of my Mom currently calling the police and interrogating/threatening people for information on my whereabouts. There is a reason that woman is my kryptonite.

I hurriedly clambered down a fire escape and half ran home where Mom gave me something that was probably worse than an FBI interrogation. I made up a story about having to go to about eight different shops to try and find spinach, as I really don't want to know what she'd do if she found out I'd been kidnapped/almost kissed by Toolshed. I love my Mom, but she really is completely crazy.


Hey guys~ Yes, I am ripping off Miraculous Ladybug, but no, you will not stop me! Speaking of which, what's your favourite pair? Style, The Human Shed, Kan (Kite and Stan), or Tyle (Toolshed and Kyle). Btw, if you can think of better names, lemme know.

What do you guys think of Toolshed? I know he must seem very OOC, I do try and explain it later. I largely wanted him to be quite like Cat Noir, and there had to be some distinction between Toolshed and Stan, otherwise, Kyle not getting that they are the same person gets as frustrating as that time both Adrien and Cat Noir are allergic to feathers and Marinette still suspects nothing. I swear to God my editor and I died at that scene.

Also, I meant to mention this earlier, but some of the characters are based off their The Fractured But Whole character sheets, e.g. Kite is asexual and gender neutral, just like on their sheet, so that's not off the top of my head. I think my favourite thing from the sheets is that Toolshed's religion is the Metric system, that's just beautiful. One thing that surprised me, well, it's not that surprising, is that Mysterion is listed as straight; I'm surprised that the fandom isn't up in arms against that.

Anyways, I'm off to the hills tomorrow! So no more updates till at least Friday, sorry. Pray that a cow doesn't kill me; I'm sure some of you deal with scarier creatures but trust me, a bunch of them basically charged at us last time, and they kill more people than sharks per year! Jaws would have been so much more awesome and accurate with cows...

On that note, if you enjoyed this chapter, give it a vote, and please tell me your thoughts in the comments, I love to hear them! And make sure to have an awesome day guys~

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