Chapter Six {Ichigo's Rival: Himself?}

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For the next few days, things were as close to normal as they could be. Projects were due, practices happened: just everyday things. As of late though, I'd been feeling a little under the weather, but that did happen from time to time. I would sometimes get a little light headed, but I would be fine with some medicine. Though, for some reason, Rukia wasn't at school today and it was almost lunch. I sat through the boring lecture and looked around for something to focus on other than my aching head.

"Where is she?" The bell rang signalling lunch and I let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed out my food, water, and pain medication.

"Headaches again?" I tilted my head up to see Tatsuki standing up against my desk.

"Yeah; it's pretty bad this time 'round," I mumbled in annoyance.

"It must be. No matter what, you always disliked taking those tablets. Have you been to the doctor?"

"I don't think Ishin would be the best person to see about this one. He always just messes around."

"I don't think my dad would joke about things when it comes to his job especially if it was you," Ichigo interrupted, "I'll take you to him tonight to get you checked out." My cheeks began to heat up and I turned away quickly. Ever since the night I told him my secret, he's been extremely protective and I've been feeling a little off. I didn't know what this feeling was, but whenever I was near him and he said something, my face heat up and went red and I got butterflies in my stomach. I like the feeling and yet I don't. I didn't really understand all of this. I guessed my headaches were getting the better of me and messing with my thoughts. It was causing me too think too much as well. Apparently, I was zoning out a bit.

"Kukiko?" I woke up to see a hand waving in my face.

"Oh, when did you get here Rukia?"

"Just now. Hey would you and Ichigo mind talking to me outside?"

"Sure." I stood up, grabbing my sandwich.

"No; if you have something to say to us, say it here," Ichigo said. He didn't like being told what to do and it seemed that today was no exception. Ichigo walked up to her and before I could stop her, she punched him straight in the stomach.


"Oh dear Ichigo! I should get you to the nurse's office," Rukia said in 'shock'. I sighed and simply followed her out of the room and into the courtyard.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked her.

"Well, not really. I know if you'd asked him, he would have followed but that was more fun," she smirked.

"He doesn't really listen to anyone though," I rebutted.

"You know I can still hear you guys, right?" Ichigo groaned.

"Yes I'm aware," Rukia stated bluntly. Ichigo stood up and held onto his stomach.

"Now, what do you want?" As much as I enjoyed her company, her pulling us out of the classroom means spirit business.

"I'm here to give you both something." She handed Ichigo a cylinder container with a duck head to Ichigo and one with a cat's head to me. "It's called Soul Candy. You can use it to leave your body and puts a substitute soul in your place." I tilted my head in confusion and Ichigo looked absolutely shocked for some reason I didn't understand. It was the spirit world, so there were bound to be some weird things like this. I was just curious about one thing.

"Why are they a duck and a cat?" Ichigo asked, taking the words from my mouth.

"Oh shut up! I didn't even order those; I ordered Chappy the rabbit!"

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