I Wuv Ou, Older Larry x younger reader x Older Sal

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Your soft eyes fluttered open as light shone through your window. You sat up and stretched, holding your stuffie close to your chest. You climb out of bed and stumble into the kitchen, the sound of sizzling filling your young ears.

You walk over to your father, he looks down and smiles at you. Which father? Why Larry of course, the last time Sal tried to cook......they had to buy three new pans and a whole set of silverware. You cling to his leg, "Why good morning Angelface" he says to you. You look up at him and make grabby hands, he leans down and scoops you up. He holds you on his hip while he flips some of the bacon.

"You wanna be a dear and set the table?" He asks, you nod and he sets you back down. You walk over to a cabinet and pull out paper plates. You put them on the table. Next, forks. You pull open the drawer and yank out three forks. Finally, your worst enemy, napkins. You stand on your tippy toes and try to grab the napkin holder. You hear a deep chuckle before you see your fathers hand push the napkins towards your small hand.

You grab a hand full and dash over to the table, setting everything up. You run over to your father's legs, "Dada" you say, pointing to the table. He looks over. "good job hun, go wake daddy up ok?" He says. You nod and skip off to your fathers room. You push open the door and peek in. You see your dad, fast asleep under the covers. You grip the bed sheets and slowly pull yourself up, struggling a lot.

You breathe heavily, your 4 year old heart pounding. You crawl over to your dad, sitting next to him. You slowly lift your hand and poke his face, he doesn't react. This causes you to rapidly poke his cheek. After 10 seconds or so, he opens his eyes. "DADDYYYYYYY!!" you squeal, hugging his neck. He slowly sits up, hugging back. "Good morning to you to....whats dada doing?" He mumbles, trying to get small knots out of your hair.

You stare at him, "sssssssss" was your answer. "oh! Is breakfast already done?" He asks, you nod and he stands. He grabs his mask off of his bedside table. He puts it on and scoops you up. You hug his neck, resting your eyes. Even though you were 4, you barely spoke. Sal suggested a language class while Larry was yelling that your words were just fine and you were perfect. That's your fathers for ya.

Sal walks into the kitchen with you, curled up in his arms. He sets you down and walks over to your father. He wraps an arm around him. Your father looks over and pecks his mask, to Sal, it still counts. Your dads mask lifts, he smiled. He walks over to the fridge and pulls out the juice carton, shaking it as he walks back over to the table.

As breakfast was placed onto your plate and juice filled your glass, you stared into space. Both your fathers sit down, starring at you. Sal sighs and nudges you. You look up at him and then your plate. They start to talk as you eat, starring off into space again.

Time skip!! ( also its no ones POV )

Larry waited on the couch, starring off into space. He doesn't even notice his lover and angel walk into the living room. "that's who you get it from" His lover says, mentioning towards him. He blinks a couple of times and looks over. His angel was dressed in a sweater and pants. Her (h/c) was up in pigtails. Larry smiles at Sal, Sal smiles back and he scoops the little ball of cuteness up.

"Lets get going then" He says to her. She gives a confused face. "to the park" Sal says. (Y/n) immediately starts to bounce in Larrys arms. He chuckles and they walk out of the house, locking the door. The walk to the park seemed to take forever for (y/n).

When Larry first stepped foot into the park, (y/n) ran out of his arms and over to the play ground. Larry's inner kid peeks out and he chases after her. The whole day, they play around, Sal watching them from an bench.

The fathers agreed to finish the wonderful day by walking around the park. The fathers were on either side of (y/n), lifting her up by the hands as they walked. Each time, she would giggle and laugh. But something confused little (y/n), why were people starring at them weird? Wasn't it normal to have two fathers?

She looks up at them and at a family across from them. There wasn't two fathers, there was a girl and a father, in between them was a little boy. And get this, the dad wasn't even wearing a mask!! (Y/n)s mind swirled, maybe her fathers weren't normal. The little boy giggled as he was lifted by his parents. (Y/n) looks up at her fathers, the little boy is loved. And so is (Y/n), so her parents were normal!

This one came out cute, this was a request from @Lifeisapileofshit, hope you liked it!


~Ah, It's Me~ SallyFace x Reader, Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now