Huh, 3

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The first day had slipped by so quickly, you two drew and talked about anything that came to mind. Lunch was...awkward to say the least.


You had walked into the cafeteria with Sal. You walked into line with him, many prisoners stared at you. You shrunk up and Sal put you infront of him, both of his hands on your shoulders. The lunch lady handed you a different plate of food. You thanked her and walked to one of the many tables with Sal.

He sat down with you and groaned, "man the meat here, it tastes like plastic steaks, dipped in a ramen noodle flavor packet, then thrown into hell. Then it flew back up and they boiled it" he says. You look at his plate and push your plate in front of him.

His eyes widen. "(y

) kid, its fine. Besides I don't think the officers will appreciate it". You pout, and whimper at him. He sighs, "what if I eat one bite?". You nod and he rips a small piece of the penutbutter and jelly sandwich. He unhooks the bottom straps of his mask and pops it into his mouth. You gasp, "cool!!". "what?" He asks, he hands you your plate back and grabs his. " eat again?" You respond, he stares at you and slowly puts a spoonful of "mashed potatoes" into his mouth. "for some reason, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen" you say, he starts laughing. "you clearly haven't seen to many cool things" he says, laughing still. Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. He starts laughing even more.

Current time

Your currently waiting in the cell for Sal to get back. He is in the showers and of course you weren't going to go there. You had already changed info your pajamas, which was a black Metallica t-shirt and a pair of fluffy sweat pants, and brushed your teeth. You grab your brush and start combing your hair.

The sound of heavy boots make you look over, you see two officers escorting Sal back to the cell. His hair is wet and dripping slightly, they open the door and shove him in. He stumbles a bit and they shut the door. They wave to you and walk away. You look at him and he sits on his bed. "nice shirt, when I was younger, I was into bands like Metallica." He says. "thanks, you still into the bands?" you ask, combing a knot in your hair.

"mhm, mainly Sanity's Fall" he responds, you look at him. "really? I love them" you say. "nice, my friend would like you" he says. You nod and walk over to him. He rings out his hair, you climb behind him and start combing his hair. "w-what?" He stutters, turning to you. You move his head back. "I'm doing your hair" you mumbled, combing at a knot In his hair.

After getting out the knots, you separated his hair into two parts. You pull out two hair bands and put his hair up in pigtails. You then run to your bag and grab your camera, you dash back over and turn it to face you two. You smile and take a picture, he flinches, covering his eyes."holy shi....crap" he mumbles. "s-sorry...and you can curse, I don't care" you stutter. The camera slowly spits out the picture and start shaking it. (yeah I know, he's in jail in 2000 something. (y

) just has an Polaroid camera). You then look at the picture with sal. "oh my god, my hair...." He mumbles again, touching the pigtails. You giggle slightly. "I......absolutely love it" he says, side hugging you. You smile and hug back.

After talking a bit more. You two are on your bed, looking at other pictures you've taken, an officer walks over. "lights out" he says, you nod and he walks away. Sal groans and walks over to his bed, he lies down."night kid, cya in the morning" he mumbles, rolling over so his back faces you. You lie down and grab Lilly, you hug her and roll over. You hear something unclip, you jump a bit and look over. Sal is putting his mask on a small shelf above his bed. You let out an "oh" and look back at your wall. You close your eyes and let sleep consume you.


You open your eyes, seeing your in a bedroom...a..what? The bedroom has paintings, band posters, and a big stereo blasting heavy metal. You see a tall, around 16, skinny, boy, head-banging next to a short boy with a mask like Sal's, bright blue hair in pigtails, and a big black sweater with red jeans. You blink and they look at a small girl, looking exactly like you. The tall boy turns down the music, they sit next to her. "watchya drawing?" The boy asks, you look at her lap. She has a sketch book on her lap. "well, mister nosey Larry, I'm drawing me, you, and Sal." She speaks. S A L ? The younger sal, points to a person in the sketch, he says, "so that's me?". She nods and she hands him the book. His mask lifts. "I love it already" he whispers, she blushes and giggles. He side hugs her and hands it back. "your not a bad drawer for being 7" Larry says. "t-thank you" she mumbles. Larry also side hugs her.


Your eyes flutter open and you suck in a big portion of air. You sit up and look over at Sal, he is asleep, back facing you. You sigh and grab your sketch book. You start to sketch the younger sal and Larry, slowly starting to hum This Is Home.

Sal's POV

A loft tune shakes me from my sleep. I slowly open my eyes and roll over. I see (y

), sketching in her sketch book, humming the soft tune. I slowly grab my mask and clip it to my face. I sneak out of my bed and over to her. I flop next to her. She yelps and jumps, looking at me. "wow, morning sunshine. Watchya drawing?" I chuckle, looking at her sketch book.

I see a sketch of.....of...larry and myself. I snatch it and stare at it. "who are these people" I ask, a little harsher than I intended. She whimpers. "i-I had a dream...a-and I drew the p-p-people I saw in it" she stutters out, tearing up slightly. I set her sketch book down and hug her. She is shaking gently, I rub her back and she sniffles.

"I'm sorry (y

)" I mumble, pulling her closer to me. She nods and wipes her face. I slowly start to hum the tune she was humming before I woke up. She looks up at me and i smile. She slightly opens her mouth and starts whispering the words. "o-often, I am upset. T-That I cannot fall in l-love but I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it" she mumbles, burrying her face into my neck.

Oh this what it feels like to have a child? This is.....better than I thought. I pull away and wipe her tears, I "ahem" ever so slightly and start to whisper, "aren't you, tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right now but I swear" she joined in, "when I'm ready, I will fly us out of here"

I smile at her and she smiles back, "you look prettier with a smile, kid" I say. She giggles and hides her face. "ill let you get dressed, ok? Then we can hang out until breakfast" I say, letting her go. She nods and I walk to my bed. She pulls the curtain closed and I lie on my bed.

Uh, this moved me at least...but I have big plans for this in the end. Hope you enjoyed


~Ah, It's Me~ SallyFace x Reader, Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now