Huh, older sal x younger reader. 2

838 22 4

A week had slowly dripped by, time is as slow as honey when you were waiting. You practically bounced out of bed this morning. You shoved breakfast down your throat and got ready in 5 minutes.

You are currently waiting in the lobby with ms. Lopa. You were very caught up in thought, what if he harms me? What if What if....what if....why am I so excited to go into a cell with a prisoner anyways? Maybe we'll both like the sam-"(Y\N!!)" ms. Lopa yells. You turn to her, "m-ma'am?" You stutter out. "the officers are here". You look over to see two police men standing there. "c'mon hun, lets get going" one speaks, I walk over to them. I turn and wave to ms. Lopa, she waves back and they escort me outside. One sits me in the back while the other climbs into the drivers seat.

After what felt like an hour ride, the prison came into view. You stomach flipped and you started to bounce. "hun, you ok?" An officer asks. "I'm more than ok, I'm ecstatic!!" You gleefully say, pressing your face against the window. They both chuckle at your adorable, yet weird, -ness. They pull up to a gate and it opens slowly. They drive into the parking lot and climb out. An officer, whom you nicknamed Officer Nice, opened the door for you. You thanked him and climbed out with your bags. He shut the door and started to walk, you walked in between them. Every person you saw, you waved to.

You entered a court yard, many prisoners turned to you. You would just smile and wave. You soon entered another building. You walked down a long hall and a cell came into view, it was bigger and had two beds. There was a curtain that you could pull so you had privacy. Inside was a man, bright orange jumpsuit, mask you had drawn so many times, and the vibrant blue hair. He was bouncing a tennis ball off of a wall.

The sound of the officers footsteps made him look over, he caught the ball and turned around. They open the cell door and you walk in. "have a good time dear, if he gives you any trouble, shout for us" officer nice says. You nod and they shut the door. You look at Mr. Sal, you then smile and put down your bags, you hold out your hand. "its nice to meet you Mr. Fisher, I'm (y

)" you say. He looks taken back by your gesture. He slowly shakes your hand, he finally speaks, "that's a very pretty name (y

), and no need to call me Mr. Fisher...just Sal". You nod, saying softly " it". "so which bed is yours?" You ask, he points to the left one. "Oki doki!" You say, you run over to the other bed and set your bags under it. You open them up and pull out your blanket and sketch book.

He walks over and helps you spread the blanket across your bed. You sit on it and look at him, you pat the spot next to you. His mask lifts slightly and he sits next to you. "did you just smile?" You ask, opening your sketch book. "sure did" he responds. While flipping through the pages, a loose paper flies out. You two look at it fall on the ground, your heart sinks as you know what paper that is. "ill get that for ya" he says, leaning down and grabbing the paper. He flips if over and freezes, you feel your cheeks heat up. On the piece of paper, you had ever so delicately sketched his mask. You had every edge, every shape, on point. "u-um.." You stutter.

"this is amazing, you got good talent kid" he says, handing the paper back to you. You nod a thanks and put It back in between the pages of your sketch book. "no need to be embarrassed" he teases, nudging you. You nod again, looking at him."what would you like to do?" He asks. You perk up and pull out extra pieces of paper, you hand him one. You then pull out a (f\c) marker and a vibrant blue one. You hand to the blue to him. "this is a game called squiggle line, you draw a weird squiggle in your color and then hand your page to your partner and you get theirs. You then use their squiggle to draw a picture. Like this" you explain, you pulled out a sheet you had played on before. You pointed to the red line, "my friend drew that, then I made a beach out of if". "ooooh, ok, I get it" he says, uncapping his marker. You start to squiggle and you smile at him, his mask lifts after you smile.


~Ah, It's Me~ SallyFace x Reader, Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now