I Like the cold, Bully Larry x Reader

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You stare off into the distance, the cold wind whipping at your unexposed nose as you walk. Today was Monday, 19° F. You were tired, you had save all of your homework for Sunday and you regretted it. You had stayed up all night to finish an art project, study guide, and 7 pages of math.

You make it to the bus stop, Sal is standing next to Ash. You walk over to them and wave. "Hey angel face" he says, ruffling your hair. You roll your eyes. "its a stupid nickname and birthmark sal" you mumble. He shrugs and continues to talk to ash. You soon hear footsteps behind you, you turn to see Larry. You shrink in fear, hoping his doesn't notice you. He walks next to you and looks out of you from the corner of his eye.

"hey shortie, got my essay?" He asks. Did I mention you also worked on his essay? You nod and dig into your backpack. You pull out your typed essay, neatly stapled and labled. He snatches it from you and mumbles a thanks. He reads it over and you nervously fiddle with your thumbs. He looks over at you. The bus rolls up and he looks over.

He grabs your arm and starts pulling you away. "C'mon, we got better things to do..." He says, then mumbling. Your body is frozen, your mind slowly trying to process what's happening. Your body slowly starts walking along with him. The bus slowly spurts away. You catch Sal starring at you from the window, you look away...some guilt rising in your chest.

"Where are we going l-Larry?" You stutter out. He looks to you out of the corner of his eye. "You'll see Angelface" he says, letting go of your arm. Your cheeks heat up, your heart skipping a beat. Soon, you hear crunching under your feet. You look down, your snow boots are stepping on snow and ice covered leafs. You look back up, you had been so lost in thought..you never even noticed that you've entered the forest. You feel a warm hand slip into yours and Larry turns a sharp left. You stumble and he looks to you."Don't want you to get lost, do I?" He asks.

You nod slowly and look around. Larry hates me..what is even happening....all of those times he's yelled at me. All the times he's stole my work....pushed me into the lockers...stole my work...what is he doing? You feel yourself start to fall as you look down at your feet. You see your boots on ice, your mind goes blank and you start to flail.

You hear deep chuckles, making you stop and look over. "You doing ok Angel?" Larry asks, his face showing sick amusement. You huff and cross your arms. "s-shut up!!" You say, pushing yourself along the ice. He watches you glide away, a smirk on his face. He pushes himself towards you. He puts his hand into yours and starts gliding with you. All negative thoughts about Larry leave your head as you dance on the ice with him.

Larrys POV

I smile and look at my angel, a smile is plastered across her beautiful face. She starts laughing, the music filling my numb ears. I pull her closer to me as we swerve and circle. I look ahead, my heart melting as happiness runs through my veins. I slowly slip into my thoughts. My angel...my sweet sweet angel... I turn to her, smiling to her. She doesn't see this though, she is just looking forward.

Her hair blows away from her face. I see the right half of her face....a red wing shape across it. It looks like a...a angel wing. "angel face.." I breathe out. I skid to a stop and grab her shoulders gently. She faces me. I brush her hair behind her ear, her eyes lower. "the wing..." I mumble. She pulls the hair back. I stare into her eyes, they hold so many emotions. My heart breaks and I do something without thinking. I cup her warm face and crash my lips onto hers. She freezes, my heart drops and I pull away.

Before I can say anything, she kisses me. She kisses me!!! We melt into each others arms. I pull away and stare into her eyes. "Let get inside and get warm" I mumble, resting my forehead against hers. She shakes her head and mumbles against my lips.

"i like the cold"


~Ah, It's Me~ SallyFace x Reader, Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now