Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I stared at Hermione, stunned. She was still looking at the floor as if she had found something very interesting there.

I looked at Ron, trying to catch his eye, but he was intently looking out the window.

I had expected something big.

But not this big.

The One Direction boys were looking at me as if for confirmation... Urm, how was I supposed to know?

No one said or did anything for a couple of minutes, but then Danielle got up off Liam's lap and walked over to Hermione and hugged her tightly, rubbing her hand in circles around her back.

That was the ice breaker.

Ron seemed to breathe again, a look of relief spread across his face at the fact that someone had accepted the situation they were in and would treat them the same way as they had before. Niall and Liam looked scared and serious. Zayn looked relieved that everyone had been told, and I felt exactly the same, but extremely anxious for my two best friends.

I looked at Harry and saw that he looked as though he was in a world of his own. Louis was waving his hand in front of Harry's face but this made no impression on him.

All of a sudden he burst in to tears.

At once the boys had gathered around him, shaking him, asking him what was wrong, but then Danielle came and told them to give him space to breathe.

After a minute or so, after he had calmed down a little, he burst out, "I just feel so awful!"

"It's alright Harry, honestly," Ron replied, looking a little puzzled, his arm around Hermione.

"Harry, we all feel awful," Louis stated the obvious, making Hermione and Ron blush.

"No, no, you don't understand," Harry responded, burying his face in his hands. He continued in a muffled voice, "Back at the end of March I took the mick out of you asking you what dirty work you had been doing... I didn't know... You might not have known... I feel awful... It's like I made it happen..."

"Harry, that's stupid!" Hermione burst out, she was blushing furiously, "And yes, I had just told Ron that afternoon,"

That explained where they had been that whole afternoon... And I had complained at having to make excuses for their whereabouts whist they didn't complain once about their situation.

But then I got even more confused. How come Draco Malfoy knew?

And then it popped in to my head as if someone had turned on a light.

I thought about what I saw on the Marauder's Map the night of Valentine's Day, Hermione was in Draco's dormitory until very very late in to the night... Did Hermione know who the father was?

I hadn't realised that everyone had started to leave the room. I snapped back to reality when Ron shouted, "Harry, you coming?" through the door. I jumped to my feet and ran through the door to Hermione, ignoring Ron.

"I need a word with you," I gasped.

Hermione looked a little anxious but nodded in agreement. I took her back to the classroom we had just exited, Ron standing outside wanting to wait for us.

We got inside and Hermione put a charm on the door to stop Ron from hearing what we were saying.

I decided to just cut to the chase, "So who's the father?"

Her face went from puzzlement to disbelief to anxiety extremely quickly. She tried to hide her expression and said, "What do you mean?"

"Is the baby Ron's or Draco's?"

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