Please Take Away my Migraine

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*Yoongi's pov*
*Monday morning*

     I groan as I wake up with a large migraine. Fuck again, that's the second time I woke up with a migraine since I left Jimin's house. I groan as I slowly get out of my bed and walk over to my closet. I grab ripped black jeans along with my white v-neck and a simple black leather jacket. I chuckle pulling on the clothes before grabbing some random socks and quickly pulling them on. I slip on my all black converse chuckling softly. Jin hyungs gonna complain that I'm wearing the same usual clothes.

     I sigh as my migraine kicks in again. I walk to the bathroom looking for some medicine to help. I start getting frustrated as I can't find any. I toss my empty bottle of Advil at the wall angrily walking out of the bathroom. Fuck I don't have fucking anything to help. I sigh grabbing my bag and slinging it onto my shoulder before grabbing my phone, headphones and keys quickly walking out of my apartment. I sigh as I lock the door and walk down to my motorcycle.

      I get on quickly heading to Jimin's house. I pull up to his house up until the driveway. I pull out my phone smiling as I waited for Jimin to come outside. Jimin quickly skipped out of his house skipping towards me. "Hi hyungie" Jimin says excitedly. I chuckle "Hi baby" I said with a small smile. He hugs me before pecking my cheek. I smile brighter as I hand him my helmet. Jimin giggles happily pulling the helmet on quickly getting on.

     I pull out of his driveway and head off to the school. It took only a few minutes to get to the school. I pulled into a parking spot and pushed out the stand. Jimin happily got off, pulling the helmet off with a big smile. I chuckle getting off the bike. Jimin takes my hand happily skipping towards the school. I smile happily intertwining our fingers. I see a light blush spread across Jimin's puffy cheeks. I chuckle softly placing a kiss onto his cheek. Jimin's blush darkens as he looks up at me. I smile as he lets out a beautiful giggle.

     We walk into the cafeteria almost immediately seeing our obnoxious group of friends in the back. Jimin pulls me towards them. "Hi guys!" He says cheerfully giving his eye smile and waving. I chuckle sitting down as everyone smiles back and says their hellos. Jimin quickly sits on my lap wrapping his arms around my neck. I wrap my arms protectively around his waist.

      Taehyung squeals loudly brining back my pain staking migraine. I snarl at him "Shut up, would ya. You brought back my fucking migraine" I growl at him. Taehyung shrinks back slightly "Sorry hyungie" he mumbles. Jimin softly whacks my arm "Hyungie no swearing" he tries to say sternly. I look up at him, my migraine quickly fading and I smile chuckling softly. "You're to cute to be stern" I say before placing a soft kiss onto his lips. Jimin blushes a deep red before looking down at his lap "N-no I'm not" he stutters out. I chuckle "You're the only thing taking my migraine away" I smile placing soft butterfly kisses on his cheek. Jimin giggles at the ticklishness of them.

    The bell goes off making my migraine worse. I snarl before Jimin giggles placing a soft kiss onto my cheek. He gets off my lap grabbing his bag "I'll see you in PE hyungie" he smiles walking off with Jin and Hoseok. I groan slowly getting up and sluggishly heading to my class


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