We met an angel

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Taetae👽: Jiminie! Where are you?!!

Jiminie🍥: I'm right here Tae. Why are you texting in the group chat?

Taetae👽: Because I can't wait for you to meet everyone!!

🌸Jinnie🌸: I can't wait to meet Jimin either Taehyung. But not all of us wake up quite this early

Jiminie🍥: I must agree with Jin hyung on this

Taetae👽: Jiminie you too?! I've been betrayed!!

😎Fuckyou🖕: Why the fuck was I woken up at 6 in the morning


Jiminie🍥: I'm sorry Yoongi hyung, Taehyung was being quite impatient

😎Fuckyou🖕: Taehyung you're gonna pay for waking me up

Taetae👽: NOOOOOO

*At the school*
*Jimin's Pov*

I was happily walking towards an empty table towards the back of the lunch room until someone yells out my name "JIMIN!" I jump and quickly turn around holding my lunch close to my chest. I only get a glimpse of Taehyung's face before I'm engulfed in a big bear hug. I squeak quickly shutting my eyes "T-Tae y-y-you scared m-me" I mumble out. "OOOH JIMINIE!" He yells out loudly.

"Stop yelling Taehyung, you're scaring the poor child" I hear an unfamiliar voice. I quickly tippy toe and poke my head up over Taeyhung's shoulder and see five other men. My cheeks flush pink "T-t-tae a-are those y-your f-friends?" I question hiding my face again. Taehyung pulls away from me "Let me introduce you to them! Oh, this will be soooo fun!!" Taehyung squeals jumping up and down clapping his hands with a box smile on his face.

I see a quite tall person push Taehyung out of the way with a big smile on his face "Hi I'm Kim Seok Jin but please call me hyung Jiminie" Jin hyung smiles brightly. I tilt my head and smile softly "Hi hyung it's nice to meet you" Jin hyung gasps and cups my cheeks. He squishes my face softly "Oh my goodness you are so adorable and short. You look like a puppy" Jin squeals happily. I blush even more "T-th-thank you h-hyung" I stutter out. Jin squeals again before one of the men behind him scuff "Stop being all soft, it's annoying and gross."

My smile drops as Jin huffs pulling away his hands "Stop being a grumpy grandpa Yoongi. It's bumming the mood" Jin pouts turning around. I hide behind Jin easily as I am pretty short compared to all of them. "Ah stop it, you're making Jimin feel uncomfortable," another man says. "But Joonie" Jin hyung whines. "No buts now let the rest of us introduce ourselves," the man says. Jin pouts but scoots away from me. I look up at the rest of them shyly and the tallest one smiles "Hi Jimin, I'm Namjoon. Jin's boyfriend, nice to meet you" Namjoon puts out his hand. I shyly take his hand and shake it "H-hi N-namjoon hyung" I stutter out. Namjoon chuckles "I do have to admit, he is adorable" Jin smiles happily and Namjoon pulls his hand away. "I told you," Jin says happily.

I blush lightly as another one of them comes up to me "I envy you. Taehyung talks about you more than anything. I don't know how you do it" he sighs. I giggle "I didn't know Taetae talked about me" I smile happily. I assume he is Jungkook, he chuckles "But I can kinda see why everything he's said about you is true" he smiles softly. Taehyung scoffs "I would never lie about Chimchim" Tae pouts. I giggle "But you lie to me" I rebuttal. He gasps "W-what no... not, no way" he stutters out.

I giggle again and another one of them walk up to me "I'm your hope, J-hope! But you can call me Hobi or Hoseok" Hoseok smirks. I smile "Hi Hobi" I wave happily liking his introduction while tilting my head to the side. Hoseok yelps as he gets hit in the back of the head by who I presume is Yoongi. "Quit it with the happy attitude, it's too early for it. Also, don't smirk at him he probably doesn't even understand what it means" Yoongi grumbles. Hoseok rubs the back of his head "You're no fun Yoongi-ah" he pouts.

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