Chapter 26

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I know it's a lot shorter than my other chapters, but this is just a quick filler and next chapter will start getting hot and heavy with the action. There's a war coming, who do you think is going to be involved? Who do you think will win? Remember, the good guys don't always win   ;-)

Image is Beth-Anne :-)


Chapter 26

Markus’ POV

As I sat on the uncomfortable bed in the crappy hotel room nursing my wounds, I thought back to the meeting with the elders earlier in the day. It always ended the same. They were never happy with the progress she made and when I told them that she wouldn’t be returning with me, the punishment got worse. My arms were covered in long, thin lacerations and my back bore the marks of fifty lashings. The scars that were there before had fresh marks crisscrossing, almost making a plaid pattern on my tanned skin.

I moved from the bed to the bathroom, grabbing the bottle of peroxide from the wobbly table as I went. I opened the bottle and put one arm over the sink before pouring the contents over my arm. The liquid fizzed quickly and the short, sharp pain disappeared quickly as the wounds were cleaned of any signs of infection. After I finished, I wrapped my arm in gauze and moved to clean the other. Once finished, I grabbed the long-armed loofa and drenched it in peroxide before gently rubbing it along my back to make sure that the wounds there were properly cleaned. There was no way that I would be able to bandage them, but I could do my best to keep them clean.

Finished with my cleaning, I grabbed a random shirt, long sleeve, of course, and a fresh pair of slacks from my bag. I’m already here; I may as well visit Sophie. It had been nearly two months since I had seen her. It would certainly lift my spirits.

I grabbed my room key and left the hotel, hailing a cab in the slight drizzle. I gave the driver the address and before I knew it, we were pulling up at Hopewell Cemetery. I paid the cab driver and got out of the car, slowly making my way to the section that I knew she was buried in. The drizzle that had started before I left the hotel picked up slightly, but it wasn’t enough to have me running for shelter. I came to a stop and knelt down in front of the stone.

Here lies Sophia Reynolds

Beloved daughter and fiancée

May you forever rest in peace

I pulled the single yellow rose from my jacket and place it on top of her grave. It had taken so much out of me when she passed. How could someone with such a beautiful soul be ripped from this world? She was such a kind person, always putting others before herself. If it hadn’t been for me answering the phone that one time, I never would have known she had cancer. She had kept it from us all, always smiling, acting as if nothing was wrong.

I sighed and rose, blowing a quick kiss. I returned to the cab, thanking the driver for waiting for me, and had him drive me straight to the airport. The hotel room would still be there for me for my next visit in three days. The glory of having a hotel run by one of my fellow tribesmen.  For now, I needed to get back to training my sister. There was a war coming and I needed her to be ready.


Cassidy’s POV

It had been three days since Emilia and Caleb’s parents had disappeared. We had searched everywhere within out lands, but no one was really surprised. We had contacted Alpha Robertson and told him where they had taken his youngest sons mate. The twins didn’t seem too concerned about them, so no one really made a big deal about their sudden disappearance.

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